World Of Tanks
(520 posts, started )
Once you get above Tier 7 though it starts getting intentionally hard to grind credits, so that people still play games in the lower tiers.

I'm finding this in my newly Tier7'd KV-3. I'm longing for the top gun and have lost a few agonsising battles which the higher ROF would have (probably) won me.
You could try changing the gun back to the long 88. It has the same penetration as your current gun, basically the same dpm and better accuracy. And its ammo is a LOT cheaper. It might be better to skip the short 10.5 altogether.

I have never checked but I'd swear I'm getting to at least even with my is-3. Don't remember if it was the same with tiger II. I'd still say it is possible to make profit at t8 heavies without premium account. At least that's my feeling...
Been a while since I played this. I kinda feel like playing again, but it took too long for me to get a new tank.

Are you able to play with friends yet without paying for it?

Any tips and tricks?
It's a pain without the turret and top gun, but turns into a whole load of fun when you get them. You then have to go through exactly the same situation on the E-75
Quote from Bose321 :
Are you able to play with friends yet without paying for it?

You can create platoons of two with a non-premium account. Or you can just get on Teamspeak and time it so you all hit the 'Battle' button together which more often than not will put you all in the same battle (albeit sometimes on opposite sides)
'Bat Chatillon 25 t' purchased successfully. You have spent credits: 3 100 000."

I still have 6K xp left on the living hell that is the AMX40 grind before I can start on the french sportscars
Patch 7.4 hit today. I'm waiting till the kid's in bed before I have a go.

People are whining HUGELY on the forums (although that's nothing new, I've never in 18 years of online gaming, known a community to complain as much as WoT) about not being able to choose which game-mode to play.

I think it's a good idea, most people would either have one go on the new mode and decide it was too different, and only ever play the standard mode after that. Until people are familiar enough with them to make a rational decision, they need to be forced.
There are game modes ? What?! I just click my tank and press go haha
just made an account and have nothing unlocked...

who wants to get owned ?
Not liking the new patch but I've only played like 10 games so far. Assault game mode is just a huge camp fest for the defenders and on some maps it is extremely difficult to successfully attack because the defenders have all the benefits (cover, high ground, camo and no need to move).

Also the new HE mechanic is incredibly frustrating. Before 7.4 the arty damage was mostly just hp damage with the occasional loss of one module and crew member. Or rarely getting one shotted. Now it seems to kill couple of modules and couple of crew members everytime it hits. That is just frustrating game mechanic and adds nothing positive to the game imho. I can understand wg wants to sell those gold med and repair packs (which you can use to heal the full crew and all modules) but at least make the game mechanic fun, challenging and rewarding instead of just frustrating.

Also overtarget mod does not work with 7.4. Have to use the crappy wg version which is pretty bad. You can not see how much dmg you do per shot or how much dmg you did (if you did any) because it just sums all incoming dmg together. And it doesn't even show different colors for my team and enemy team.
I like it so far, although I agree Assault does need to be re-thought.

You can hardly blame 3rd party mods for not being ready the second a new patch comes out.

Quote from theirishnoob :just made an account and have nothing unlocked...


What are you driving so far?
just standard tanks, getting 6 fps on a dual GPu pc...

174ms ping on 100 mb dedicated...

f*** that s***
Quote from theirishnoob :just standard tanks, getting 6 fps on a dual GPu pc...

174ms ping on 100 mb dedicated...

f*** that s***

I'm getting about 40-100fps on my e8500+ati6950 machine and my ping is about 50ms.

Maybe turn off some of the special effects and reduce the porn intake during matches?
Quote from Hyperactive :I'm getting about 40-100fps on my e8500+ati6950 machine and my ping is about 50ms.

Maybe turn off some of the special effects and reduce the porn intake during matches?

no pronz, just dedicated machine, though generally im too lazy to use it so i use this laptop and that pc is more then eenough spec to max arma with a whole heap of mods ( or a pretty maxed BF3 )

maybe im just bound never to play this load of junk ?
Quote from theirishnoob :no pronz, just dedicated machine, though generally im too lazy to use it so i use this laptop and that pc is more then eenough spec to max arma with a whole heap of mods ( or a pretty maxed BF3 )

maybe im just bound never to play this load of junk ?

Wot has pretty crappy game engine so you need to reduce the eye candy for it to run well. Wot engine only uses one processor core and probably dual gpu setups are not much use either.

Reduce water levels, shadows and some other settings to see which makes the biggest difference.

Also did you use any special codes when creating your account? You can get some 1000gold for free when using some codes from some sites but those are for new accounts only. It is worth making new account to use those codes though even if you have played some much already. Fpsrussia had some codes iirc but there are threads on the forum about them.
Nggg.. three games, three top-guns, three defeats. Why are people so bad at tanks?

Decided to get some hulldown action so I started playing the yankie tankies. Used free exp and jumped straight to m3 lee and skipped couple of tiers of boring tanks. Omg what horrible pos the m3 lee is! It was even less fun and worse to drive than the 3001p which has been the ultimate frustration tank until now.

After the lee I got myself the T1 heavy which is according to everyone on the forums a pure shitbox. It's awesome! So fun to play. Best and most fun t5 imho (apart from the old kv with derpaderp). Lots of gun depression to get into hulldown on many maps plus all the niceties. I must have gotten lucky with it too. After 79 matches my win ratio is 73%.

The m6 on the other hand... really frustrating. Half of the battles are against t9 and t8 tanks. Don't have the best gun on it yet but almost have the exp for it. Next for me then is the slow grind to get the T29 which was my original reason to start playing the american tanks. T1 heavy was so much fun and hopefully the t29 is fun too...
Yeah, I'm still mired in the middle of the M6 grind - I just don't have the motivation to play it as it's so awful. I just have to think 'T29...T29...T29' as I play.

What do we think of the new game modes? Personally I quite like the (slight) change, but I find the win is even more dependent on whether your team can count to 20 without having to take their shoes and sock off, which isn't often.

I use the XVM mod (although with the 'chance to win' thing turned off) and one thing that stands out is how AWFUL 95% of the playerbase are. I'd count myself as an average player but I'm constantly amazed at the fact that in almost every battle my rating is in the top five and about 1 in three games I'm have the best rating on my team.
I think the new game modes are great. Few maps are a bit unbalanced (steppes encounter, malinovka assault and el hallouf encounter) but other than that I like the way you need to play little differently. Assault is a bit boring for the defenders imho but as attacker those games are great fun so it balances out nicely.

The new HE mechanic is pure pisstake though. Before the patch losing crew members and modules when arty hit you was imho quite rare but now it happens every time.
I was originally going for the E-100. I've unlocked and bought Tiger, but it's so awful! The gun is pretty bad (the same as 3601 H), can't penetrate anything above it's tier and ther is no improvement in armor compared to 3601 H. I got frusturated and sold it and moved to U.S.S.R. As the patch was still below 7.3 (When devs split the USSR line) I managed to unlock the KV-3. Now (after a long break) started playing a bit. I must say it's quite fun with KV+derpgun, but it will still be a boring grind to KV-3 (I need 300k). What's your opinion about KV-3?

My other tanks are Stug III (really fun to play, but needs more firepower!) and Grille.
I find the KV3 to be OK, nothing especially good or bad about it.
Since it was upped to T7, it gets the slightly better 122mm and more HP and a new engine. I'm about 20k from the KV4 and won't keep the KV3 afterwards, but this is purely because it is useless for company battles...too high for T6 and not really good enough for T8.

Tiger/Tiger2/E75 I found were all pretty bad until you get the best gun on them, but this is the case for most tanks I suppose. I do love the stock 152 on the SU and ISU though, and will continue to use it to unlock the BL10.

At the moment I'm furiously grinding in the AMX13-90 to try and unlock the Lorraine before the changes happen that bump them both up a tier, as the XP/credits cost will most likely rise too.
Quote from Bean0 :At the moment I'm furiously grinding in the AMX13-90 to try and unlock the Lorraine before the changes happen that bump them both up a tier, as the XP/credits cost will most likely rise too.

When will the changes happen? I'm close to getting the AMX13-90

World Of Tanks
(520 posts, started )