Renkus stuff was great, all the best ones were left in like he said , Lx6 Black rev etc
Green FXO, pls leave that one alone too ! 
Only thing I dont agree with Renku is putting Rb4 into dirt, RB4 could do some Fern Bay track or it also could be South City Long Standard version.
Though, I would also like to see GTI somewhere else than Club, this combo is so bad , cause You cant really get close to WR unless You drive RHD. GTI would go great with Gold or Gold rev.
FZ5 to Green rev then maybe :P

Only thing I dont agree with Renku is putting Rb4 into dirt, RB4 could do some Fern Bay track or it also could be South City Long Standard version.
Though, I would also like to see GTI somewhere else than Club, this combo is so bad , cause You cant really get close to WR unless You drive RHD. GTI would go great with Gold or Gold rev.
FZ5 to Green rev then maybe :P