The online racing simulator
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Or people are too.. abusive of the fact that Scawen does actively listen to our input and attempt to implement the reasonable requests when he's in his Test Patch cycle.


Let the developers finish off what they're handling right now. We'll all see what comes next...afterwards.

One thing is to NOT have anything new, and also no news regarding development (targets, steps, obstacles). Quite another is to HAVE something new, to have important news, to actually have a series of small patches prior to a bigger release.

Let them finish this first.

Quote from AndroidXP :It's exactly as it should be. A hotter tyre has a bit more air pressure, causing the tyre to bulge (making it more donut-shaped), resulting in more load on the middle section. The pressure setting in the garage is the tyre pressure at optimal heat, not at the heat the tyre starts out with.

Eh, this seems to be one of those points on which people keep getting mixed up. (Understandable.)
Take a look at and (linked from the first one).

Unless things have changed since 2007/8, the pressures which you set in the garage are the COLD pressures. (Once we're agreed on this, I suggest we delete/change the incorrect stuff to minimise the spread of disinformation )
All must know that in the autocross (where DREG, a circle) is the trail maps! The truth is not completed yet, here in this version it became available. I did a layout for it with 2 sectors. The best result on the mouse I did 0:19.5 at three o'clock in the nightillepall
Video review.
The very layout.
Attached files
AU1X_cart.lyt - 676 B - 327 views
Why when i click to browse the servers list with z33 it prompts me to download the incompatible patch 0.6A1?
noob question:

Packet per second only is for the host to set correct, or can i set it in my local LFS options to reduce choppiness?
Quote from BOSCHO :Why when i click to browse the servers list with z33 it prompts me to download the incompatible patch 0.6A1?

It's happens to me too, just click cancel and the server list will load normaly
So no one want's to go over to 0.6A1? That's odd, usually people scramble to get the new patch.
Quote from Mustangman759 :noob question:

Packet per second only is for the host to set correct, or can i set it in my local LFS options to reduce choppiness?


Quote from Dygear :So no one want's to go over to 0.6A1? That's odd, usually people scramble to get the new patch.

they might be waiting for airio to be updated to support some new insim packets.
Quote from Dygear :So no one want's to go over to 0.6A1? That's odd, usually people scramble to get the new patch.

I was like "Holy Hell. A Fake Scirocco.... Download Now"!!!!
Quote from GeForz :The answer is to use /axsave and parse the layout.
Or have your insim connected before the track loads.

(See thread in programming section)

1. Too unprofessional/dirty/unreliable
2. Impossible
Quote from Neilser :Eh, this seems to be one of those points on which people keep getting mixed up. (Understandable.)
Take a look at and (linked from the first one).

Unless things have changed since 2007/8, the pressures which you set in the garage are the COLD pressures. (Once we're agreed on this, I suggest we delete/change the incorrect stuff to minimise the spread of disinformation )

Going back a bit further I found this from Scawen. I don't know if it still holds, but that is the principle I've been working on.
I can't find the post, but I also believe the pressure settings are for optimum, so by deduction, setting higher temps will give a slight over pressure.

Found it, but it was the speculation thread. ... imum+pressure#post1210485
Too much coffee and not enough sleep for me, so didn't quite absorb Bob's post which seems to dispel the myth.

Garage tyre pressures are cold/ambient.
Quote from Silverracer :I think he meant let the InSim connect and then load the layout (without loading the track+layout together)? Might be wrong, though...

Have a look here:

But I cant load the layout every time the Insim connects.
Such a disturbance is unacceptable with 32 players connected.
There is also a reason why I can request all currently connected players, as I don't
wanna kick them all, and then count them by Insim when they come back lol.

Well, I could collect all incoming IS_OBH packets. Sooner or later, people will have crashed into
every object on the track
Quote from chucknorris :But I cant load the layout every time the Insim connects.
Such a disturbance is unacceptable with 32 players connected.

I think the meaning is load the layout as normal in LFS and then load and parse the layout in the InSim app. The InSim app then knows the layout and can then manipulate the live layout. There is no need to keep reloading the layout on InSim connect, but an existing layout can be read by /axsave and then parsed.
It's not unreliable or dirty.

The layout file objects have exactly the same format as the ones in the IS_AXM packets. If you do /axsave then you get a snapshot of the layout at that point in time. You could say that is more reliable than receiving a long sequence of several packets over a few seconds, while someone might be editing them.

If your InSim program is running on the same computer as the host then I think /axsave is quite a reasonable and quick way of finding out which objects are on the host.

Anyway, it's the only way for now. I don't know what might be done in future but at least for now I won't be doing an object information request packet.
I'm having too high expectations then. However, thanks for the time reading this on the weekend.
kv gp long Y?
I saw some servers on line running kv gp long Y, a new very very long and very cool great track.
But it appears as autocross configuration with flawed checkpoints(laps not counting).
So i tried single player, at first i could select kv gp long, but after some clicking in the selection screen, the configuration disappeared?
After which i could only select the much shorter version which resembles more the old track?

Is the new track layout a mistake and should it not have been in this patch?? How can i get the "Y" configuration to work properly? because it is seriously cool 6+ minutes of driving!!!

I now continue testing at other tracks
press control while selecting the track from the list.
Quote from Bluebird B B :...but after some clicking in the selection screen, the configuration disappeared?
After which i could only select the much shorter version which resembles more the old track?

You've probably deleted it
Quote from sermilan :You've probably deleted it

I go online, after which i can select the track offline, but clicking to much between rev and back causes Y to disappear.
Nice patch, I hope you will soon release official 0.6B...

GO GO GO new psy.
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Crash of 0.6A1 dedi

I've investigated this and I can't understand how it could crash there. It's a safely written bit of code, old (not new) and does all the necessary checks on the size and validity of the memory being read.

It's too strange. I think I will have to give up on this, and assume something funny happened on your computer. That is unless anyone else has had a dedicated host crash.

If anyone has had a dedicated host crash, please can you try to post as much information as possible about it, crash address and perhaps a description of what was happening at the time. Everything you know - was anyone online, were they in game on entry screen was the race restarting, you know what I mean - anything you can tell me - thanks.
Dear Racers.

As you know by now, the aim now is simply to fix the bugs and make any necessary small and safe improvements so we can release the official version 0.6B hopefully on Friday. We will release a test patch before that to test the fixes.

So far...

- the agreement page crash is fixed
- the layout replay OOS is investigated and understood
- we're looking into something in the join a host system

Something we did yesterday : Victor has updated LFS World so you can now see your own race history on hidden hosts, but others cannot see it. A small change on the master server was needed - so that the information from hidden hosts is now sent to the database, but with a "generated" host name. So there is no possibilty of LFS World website revealing your hidden host's name by mistake, because it doesn't have that information. This is a nice improvement, but the change was actually needed to solve a bug that was caused by a new thing - the sending of lap times from custom configurations. Previously, hidden hosts sent no host status information at all to the database. So when the database started to receive get lap times from custom configurations, it did not know that it was from a custom configuration, so should not store it as a PB. Now the database receives the same information on hidden hosts as it does from visible hosts, and it is stored there for you you to see, but hidden from the public, just like the host itself.
Quote from Scawen :Something we did yesterday : Victor has updated LFS World so you can now see your own race history on hidden hosts, but others cannot see it.

I understand Online Race Results autocross (AU1X_cart track) are not recorded on LFS World?
This thread is closed