Jackass Ryan Dunn Dies :(
(94 posts, started )
Yes, he is dead...
Quote from ChiliFan :somehow i doubt they were filming him crash a car at over 100 mph for the jackass tv show

No, they probably were recording him driving drunk, the fact he crashed has obviously nothing to do with trying to appeal to a bunch of retarded American teenagers. My point stands.
F**K, the car is totally f*cked.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :No, they probably were recording him driving drunk, the fact he crashed has obviously nothing to do with trying to appeal to a bunch of retarded American teenagers. My point stands.

What is wrong with you?
Nothing. He is just really badass.
I bet he enjoys Jackass anyway. He's just trying to give the impression he doesn't.
Quote from flymike91 :What is wrong with you?

He's a fat **** who is pissing away money on a shopping trolley, to make it look like a quicker shopping trolley, to impress English teenagers.
Quote from dizman :he's a fat **** who is pissing away money on a shopping trolley, to make it look like a quicker shopping trolley, to impress english teenagers.

The guy did things to make me laugh, I don't care if he blew his brains out with a shotgun, it still sucks that he is dead.
Ryan Dunn died as he lived - with car parts up his ass.

too soon?
Quote from S14 DRIFT :...I'm being serious, people die every day. Some people die from natural causes, some people die from being stupid and I don't have sympathy for people who take risks and kill themselves (AND ANOTHER PERSON...) because they're trying to impress a bunch of dumb American teenagers.

Quote from S14 DRIFT :If one of my friends died because they were drunk driving, then yes, I'd be upset; but I wouldn't feel pity for them. I'd call them an idiot. Call that me being a heartless bastard or cold or whatever...but if you play with fire you're going to get burnt. Car accident (genuine error, whether their fault or not), Cancer, disease, illness (except those caused by drugs, alcohol or smoking) - yes, a great shame. But if people take a heroin overdose, or die while drunk driving, I can only say that that person brought it on themself.

Oh and, they'd be my friend. I'd have a personal attachment to them. Not some fictitious attachment because I'd see them on a TV show. But now we're getting onto philosophy and the whole "people dying" and "feeling remorse" and about whether knowing them or not means you have to feel sad about it.

Quote from PMD9409 :The guy did things to make me laugh, I don't care if he blew his brains out with a shotgun, it still sucks that he is dead.

For the first time in history, Jamie said something worth looking at, and he has a point. Just because he's normally full of shit don't discount what he's saying. It's kind of summed up in what Phil said.

I feel remorse and in the past probably too much so about people and situations that will never have a bearing on me. I had a long thread with Kev a few years back about the fact that if I ever caught a rapist in the act I'd probably kill him with my bare hands and whether I was justified or not. It's fine that this fellow entertained people, but this crap happens to people every day and whether you realize it or not you're elevating him over the average human simply because he did rather dumb things and found a way to get paid for it.

Philosophy or not, it's plain fact that it's 100% selfish to actually feel remorse for a guy that (most likely) died doing something we'd condemn our friends for doing and maybe killed an "innocent" at the same time, simply because your depraved entertainment desires have been stunted by the death of a dubious stuntman. Really; think about that. You wouldn't be here lamenting the death of a volunteer who helped addicts or widows get on their feet; because that's not entertainment is it? But a guy who takes a shit in a display toilet at the shop somehow deserves a memorial when he dies being a jackass and takes someone with him - great show people, great show!
I'll just say RIP for the guy who gave $25,000 to charity, which is more than all of us will combined in our lifetimes.

I guess it will be wrong to say "RIP" to Betty White, Sean Connery, Chuck Norris, George Clooney, Matt Damon, etc, because afterall they are just entertainers.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :For the first time in history, Jamie said something worth looking at, and he has a point. Just because he's normally full of shit don't discount what he's saying. It's kind of summed up in what Phil said.

I feel remorse and in the past probably too much so about people and situations that will never have a bearing on me. I had a long thread with Kev a few years back about the fact that if I ever caught a rapist in the act I'd probably kill him with my bare hands and whether I was justified or not. It's fine that this fellow entertained people, but this crap happens to people every day and whether you realize it or not you're elevating him over the average human simply because he did rather dumb things and found a way to get paid for it.

Philosophy or not, it's plain fact that it's 100% selfish to actually feel remorse for a guy that (most likely) died doing something we'd condemn our friends for doing and maybe killed an "innocent" at the same time, simply because your depraved entertainment desires have been stunted by the death of a dubious stuntman. Really; think about that. You wouldn't be here lamenting the death of a volunteer who helped addicts or widows get on their feet; because that's not entertainment is it? But a guy who takes a shit in a display toilet at the shop somehow deserves a memorial when he dies being a jackass and takes someone with him - great show people, great show!

Having no sympathy cause you didn't know someone is one thing. Implying that they deserved what happened to them, cause they were trying to impress stupid american teenagers, is another.
On the one hand, yes, no one deserves any more sympathy for their demise than anyone else.

On the other hand, everyone dies, and it's impossible to give sympathy to everyone. Furthermore, they probably don't care whether you have sympathy for them or not. To me, logic dictates that their brain has ceased to function, and therefore they are incapable of appreciating your sympathy. Your sympathy is better directed toward those close to the deceased.

Morbid food for thought: when you die and your brain ceases to function, does it not follow logically that you immediately forget your life, that you ever existed?

Happy Tuesday, everyone.

And it's still Monday here.
Europeans, let me give you a bit of advice. Don't believe FOX News, I can tell them the world is ending and They will believe me because they are idiots.
#43 - JJ72
Who cares, he was a jackass.
Quote from PMD9409 :I'll just say RIP for the guy who gave $25,000 to charity, which is more than all of us will combined in our lifetimes.

I guess it will be wrong to say "RIP" to Betty White, Sean Connery, Chuck Norris, George Clooney, Matt Damon, etc, because afterall they are just entertainers.

Why would you distort the scale? This could really come across the wrong way but it's only a matter of perspective: I have given away a tad more than that but I guarantee that I make a hell of a lot less. But that REALLY isn't the point. I could make a fortune extorting young girls for porn, and give 50% of it away but that really is a stupid comparison isn't it? Suppose I ran a porn site (which I don't) and made 1.2 million a year - and gave away 600m/year. Big deal isn't it? No, not really. (EDIT: That was also a ludicrously presumptuous statement to begin with and I make no apology for taking the bait)

Quote from Dizman :Having no sympathy cause you didn't know someone is one thing. Implying that they deserved what happened to them, cause they were trying to impress stupid american teenagers, is another.

Nobody is implying that anyone "has it coming to them", all human life is equally valuable. That is, in fact, the point. So far a few of you are trying to distort it though which I did expect and am more than prepared for.

Quote from Forbin :On the one hand, yes, no one deserves any more sympathy for their demise than anyone else.

On the other hand, everyone dies, and it's impossible to give sympathy to everyone. Furthermore, they probably don't care whether you have sympathy for them or not. To me, logic dictates that their brain has ceased to function, and therefore they are incapable of appreciating your sympathy. Your sympathy is better directed toward those close to the deceased.

Morbid food for thought: when you die and your brain ceases to function, does it not follow logically that you immediately forget your life, that you ever existed?

Happy Tuesday, everyone.

Happy Tuesday not yet :P

And it's got nothing to do with the deceased, and everything to do with the message you send the living. Regardless of your atheistic or religious stance (let's not pretend they differ much towards culture, but I digress) it's totally irrelevant. In internet "meme", "dead guy is dead" I wonder what the supposedly living can learn from it.
Oh the irony, the jackass who plays it safe and is the most calm on television is the one to die first. It's a shame.
Quote from NoYPiDRiFTER :Europeans, let me give you a bit of advice. Don't believe FOX News, I can tell them the world is ending and They will believe me because they are idiots.

what does this have to do with anything? :rolleyes:
Yea Fox is shit because they talk shit about gamers, europeans, bronies...almost about anything.

But death of Ryan Dunn is true.
#48 - Jakg
On Friday, a friend of my girlfriends family was involved in an accident on his bike (involving a 4x4) and died. He was a top guy, not a single enemy out there. He leaves behind a widow and 2 children, 2 days before fathers day. No mention on the news or Facebook.

Some guy none of you have ever met dies (through what looks like his own stupidity) and there's threads on every forum, and ~80 of my Facebook "friends" are sending messages of condolence.

Sometimes I hate people.
Quote from Jakg :On Friday, a friend of my girlfriends family was involved in an accident on his bike (involving a 4x4) and died. He was a top guy, not a single enemy out there. He leaves behind a widow and 2 children, 2 days before fathers day. No mention on the news or Facebook.

Some guy none of you have ever met dies (through what looks like his own stupidity) and there's threads on every forum, and ~80 of my Facebook "friends" are sending messages of condolence.

Sometimes I hate people.

Yup, celebrity's èh?

Making a point of a celebrity being dead seems unneccesary.
Though making a point of someone making a point OF it, seems heartless to some people.

Jackass Ryan Dunn Dies :(
(94 posts, started )