The online racing simulator
New F1 Racing Style ! Real F1 !
(30 posts, started )
Quote from TFalke55 :Playing around with the tyres might not bring you the expected result. R2s are pretty fast worn and everyone would peel off into pits to grab a set of R4s.

Indeed, making it R3 and R4 would probably be wiser. Though I'm not sure if the idea of having 2 mandatory tyre compound is a good idea itself. It was considered in OWRL F1, but got quickly abandonned as we realised that making a stable and fast enough set for both compound for each round was probably too much work for most teams, and therefore would hurt the turn-up rates.

Quote from dynofiend :Can I be a virtual FIA and come in mid season to change all the rules?


So after doing some thinking. We have decided to do the following for the championship. Restrictions may change in Season 2. At no point will restriction change during a season LOL !! Blown defuser
Following sections can NOT be adjusted.

Gears 1-6
Final driver.
Must use LSD
TC Off
EBR 0%
NO R2 Tyres

Items that CAN be changed on the BF1

Gear 7
All suspension functions
LSD Power/Coast
Tyres R3 or R4
Weight position on the car

The New car Rules will be put on the website in more detail. Drivers will be able to download the standard Set. The way it will work, after a race all drivers will send there setup. If a driver fails to Send their setup then they will be deducted points & forfeit any points from the race. The same applies if there set has parts changed that should not be. Even if the ratio gear 6 for e.g has been changed by .1 they will forfeit all points from the race + a point deduction .

More detail will be on the site.

All non championship games will be open to full setups
Hey all

Been editing the insim today and well it seems to have gone all wrong!!!!

Lfslapper when !start is put in. on the DEDi host i get

Host : LFSLapper in stand by state
host : !start
insim guest closed : LFSLapper
insim - tcp : LFSLapper
insim guest closed : LFSLapper
insim - tcp LFSLapper

What is it ive done in the .lpr file to cause this lol
Quote from Billicp :What is it ive done in the .lpr file to cause this lol

Probably the last thing you changed.

If you look in the lapper directory default/logs then in the (ip address)ERR.log file (e.g. you might get a clue.

Lapper may say an error in a specific file, and/or maybe a line number.

Easiest thing to do is to reload a vanilla lfslapper.lpr file onto your server.

If you want something specific changed, let me know what that is, and I might code it for you.
Ok so everything is Sorted now thanks :-)

The server will be open most of today 6:00pm - 11:00pm GMT .

It a open server non Championship trial to get to know a few of the tracks !

2 races per track 5laps 4 tracks. Must pit between lap 3-5.

Setups are open to how ever you want.

see you on the server !