Edit: This is an ongoing update, and I'll continue to update the latest news given. Please scroll down to "updates".
Also be aware that there are graphic strong pictures in this topic.
And then it happend, even the spoilet brat in the north got bombed to hell and back, ref: http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011 ... apital-injuries-reported/
So far there are 3 deaths and several wounded (norwegian news). What we know at the current state is that it's a car bomb that whent off close to some important government buildings in the heart of Oslo. The bomb itself were very powerfull, and it's reported that windows within the closest km is blown out, 100+M from the bomb itself the buildings have recived great damage.
Several shots have been heard close to the city, on a place called Utøya. There were an meeting going on at the time, and a man dressed up as a police officer started to fire around. There is 700 people at the meeting, and how many who might be injured or killed here is unknown, all that is know is that police forces are securing the area as we speak.
- 18:20 News about this is that there are several people that is confirmed shot, but still unclear
- 18:41 5 people are shot at Utøya, 4 is belived to be dead. Situation still unclear, and the same goes for the bomb
- 18:48 There is reports that there is dead people inside the buildings sorounding the bomb area, how many are at this point unclear
- 19:23 The shoter at Utøya is caught. The man has nordic aperance, and it's belived he has no connection to the bomb
- 19:30 All military bases in Norway are put in alert state, which means every military flight aviable in the norwegian airforce is ready to defend / attack if nessesary
- 19:35 Rumors on Twitters tells that the organization "Helpers of Global Jihad" claims responsibility for Oslo bombing (now proven wrong)
- 19:45 7 is confirmed dead in the bombing, while rumors tells of 10 shot (unclear of wounded or dead) on Utøya
- 20:24 Interveiw with one from Utøya tells there roughly was around 30 people beeing hit. There is scheduled a press conference 20:30 about this
- 20:30 The high-speed trains in Oslo are stoped and evacuated after an bomb warning (now proven wrong / false alarm)
- 21:35 10 people confirmed dead on Utøya, 10+ seriously enjured. 7 deaths in the Oslo bombing
- 07:37 87 people are now confirmed dead. 80 in Utøya, 7 in the bombing. The police are affraight the death count will increase
- There are now confirmed 91 deaths releated to this incident
25.07.11 - The death count will likely be decreased some, due to incorrect counting.
25.07.11 - 68 people are dead at Utøya, 8 from the bombing, new numbers given from police. Still too many lost lifes
More info, video and pictures:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worl ... picion-islamist-militants

Also be aware that there are graphic strong pictures in this topic.
And then it happend, even the spoilet brat in the north got bombed to hell and back, ref: http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011 ... apital-injuries-reported/
So far there are 3 deaths and several wounded (norwegian news). What we know at the current state is that it's a car bomb that whent off close to some important government buildings in the heart of Oslo. The bomb itself were very powerfull, and it's reported that windows within the closest km is blown out, 100+M from the bomb itself the buildings have recived great damage.
Several shots have been heard close to the city, on a place called Utøya. There were an meeting going on at the time, and a man dressed up as a police officer started to fire around. There is 700 people at the meeting, and how many who might be injured or killed here is unknown, all that is know is that police forces are securing the area as we speak.
- 18:20 News about this is that there are several people that is confirmed shot, but still unclear
- 18:41 5 people are shot at Utøya, 4 is belived to be dead. Situation still unclear, and the same goes for the bomb
- 18:48 There is reports that there is dead people inside the buildings sorounding the bomb area, how many are at this point unclear
- 19:23 The shoter at Utøya is caught. The man has nordic aperance, and it's belived he has no connection to the bomb
- 19:30 All military bases in Norway are put in alert state, which means every military flight aviable in the norwegian airforce is ready to defend / attack if nessesary
- 19:35 Rumors on Twitters tells that the organization "Helpers of Global Jihad" claims responsibility for Oslo bombing (now proven wrong)
- 19:45 7 is confirmed dead in the bombing, while rumors tells of 10 shot (unclear of wounded or dead) on Utøya
- 20:24 Interveiw with one from Utøya tells there roughly was around 30 people beeing hit. There is scheduled a press conference 20:30 about this
- 20:30 The high-speed trains in Oslo are stoped and evacuated after an bomb warning (now proven wrong / false alarm)
- 21:35 10 people confirmed dead on Utøya, 10+ seriously enjured. 7 deaths in the Oslo bombing
- 07:37 87 people are now confirmed dead. 80 in Utøya, 7 in the bombing. The police are affraight the death count will increase
- There are now confirmed 91 deaths releated to this incident
25.07.11 - The death count will likely be decreased some, due to incorrect counting.
25.07.11 - 68 people are dead at Utøya, 8 from the bombing, new numbers given from police. Still too many lost lifes

More info, video and pictures:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worl ... picion-islamist-militants