The online racing simulator
Axis throttle/brakes on the mouse wheel!!!
Hi guys

Sorry but my English is bad ...

Used a translator

That's the proposal:
to control the mouse, add axis throttle/brake on the roller mouse, with a variable number of items (4 ... 100 for example), that is, from full throttle to full brake roller mouse to click 4 (changed to 50% of the gas or brake) ... 100 (one click of the mouse wheel is a change in the gas / brake to 2%).
And also for the immediate inhibition without scrolling the mouse wheel on the mouse button (left / right as anyone would be more convenient) to add an inversion axis! Example: you race at high speed before a sharp turn and just did not have time to physically scroll the mouse wheel to N-number of positions back and then you clamp the mouse button, instant change of 100% throttle to 100% brake you all that remains as the wheel lock brake weaken as soon as reached the optimal speed of release the button and you have instant small gas without skidding and loss of control!

I think it will give more accurate control of the car...

Forgot on another button click to add value to 0 axis of the throttle/brake is needed for the moments when you need to release the gas for a second but it does not use the brake!
I would suggest using mouse 1 for throttle and mouse 2 for braking unless you have a steering wheel. You can adjust how fast the pedals should respond to your clicking which gives you a decent ammount of smoothness. Braking however is something you cannot control as easily with a button but you can lower the braking force to give you less wheel locking and more controll. And you can also use ABS in certain cars.
Back to the topic though: I cannot see how the scroller would be an efficient way of controlling the pedals. Even the mouse Y axis would be the better choise if you ask me.
Hi there

Iv been using mouse most the time i play lfs because my wheel is too noisy at night times. ( Girlfriend gets grumpy when i wake her )

How i have throttle etc set up is like a shooting game.

Mouse for steering only left and right.

W - for gas
S - for brake
A - down shift
D - up shift
E - clutch
Z - look left
X - look right
R - rear view
C - reset car
Spacebar - handbrake

It's the best way to use mouse on lfs iv found.
Quote from Jimmy_Lemon :Hi there

Iv been using mouse most the time i play lfs because my wheel is too noisy at night times. ( Girlfriend gets grumpy when i wake her )

How i have throttle etc set up is like a shooting game.

Mouse for steering only left and right.

W - for gas
S - for brake
A - down shift
D - up shift
E - clutch
Z - look left
X - look right
R - rear view
C - reset car
Spacebar - handbrake

It's the best way to use mouse on lfs iv found.

Back in the days when I didn't have the G25 I used
Mouse 1 - Throttle
Mouse 2 - Brakes
Mouse X - Steering
A - Shift up
Z - Shift down
C - Clutch
X - Ignition
And that felt like the most obvious for me but it's different for different people.
Function Keys + others
Please allow users to change the keys assigned for messages. Currently, they're only assigned to the function keys. It's hard for me to reach them. I've been using the following key combo for years on racing sims:

Accelerator - A
Brake - Z
Shift Up - S
Shift Down - X
Steering - Mouse if available

I use my index and middle fingers for throttle and shifts. My attempts to access the function keys in races has many times resulted in I pressing the tab key and getting into someone else's cockpit - disaster!
Mouse steering with my prefered sensitivity in-game.

Mouse 1 handbrake
Mouse 2 cluth
Mouse wheel gear up/down

w / e -> brake / throttle [just like left sided cars have the pedals]

this way i can upshift and downshift having throttle blip or engine decelleration

im using that method since demo ages.

I challenge someone to use this way, tried many methods and this one was far more convenient for me.

Sorry for bad english, had a long time to spam post :P
my settings:
A - hand brake
S - gear down
D - gear up
C - clutch
Mouse 1 - throttle
Mouse 2 - brake
Mouse X - steering

IMO scroll wheel wouldn't be good for fast cars (F08, LX6)
it wouldn't be good at all

[autoclutch off]
Quote from The Stig PL :

It's all a matter of what you get used to in my opinion.

It's me driving the LX6 using manual cluth, my prefered button sensitivity and the combination described above (Scroll wheel gears -> mouse 2 cluth)

See the attached replay.

(P.S. I have no LX6 experience)
Attached files
test LX6.spr - 159.8 KB - 225 views
[QUOTE=MorfeasFX;1628022]It's all a matter of what you get used to in my opinion.


Has anyone tried using mouse y axis for throttle and brake? Tried it with PPJoy on some sims, but didn't stick with it. If one can master it, it'd be much better than accelerating and braking with non-linear keys and buttons.
Quote from hereticlohani :
Quote from MorfeasFX :It's all a matter of what you get used to in my opinion.


Has anyone tried using mouse y axis for throttle and brake? Tried it with PPJoy on some sims, but didn't stick with it. If one can master it, it'd be much better than accelerating and braking with non-linear keys and buttons.

Ιt's hard to master it. I've tried and failed so bad!

A nice way should be to use button throttle/brake with more than 2 buttons, in example

Button 1 -> brake up to 50%
Button 2 -> brake up to 100%

Button 3 -> throttle up to 20%
Button 4 -> throttle up to 50%
Button 5 -> throttle up to 100%

i'd be interested if someone has a clue about how to do that.
Quote from MorfeasFX :

A nice way should be to use button throttle/brake with more than 2 buttons, in example

Button 1 -> brake up to 50%
Button 2 -> brake up to 100%

Button 3 -> throttle up to 20%
Button 4 -> throttle up to 50%
Button 5 -> throttle up to 100%

i'd be interested if someone has a clue about how to do that.

I think you cant do that...
I always used to use:
Mouse X steering
Mouse Y combined throttle/brake
(select the mouse axis in the Wheel/Joystick options)

It's a bit more tricky now that autocut is gone, but I still do use it like this when I'm without my Wheel/Joystick.

Regarding the OP - you may be able to do something using a joystick emulator or similar (glovepie in combination with PPJoy might help)
I'll ride with PPMouse 6.0 (PPJoy))) was used for a week away. Options: mouse wheel to set the 20 positions (10% step), the right mouse button on the inversion of the axis and clicking the wheel all the axes are reset to the neutral position ...

Just proposed this as a way to control altrenativny and not to use third-party emulation software wheels! I think there would be supporters of the driving ...