(59 posts, closed, started )
The real speed, wall, damage and tyre hackers are incredibly rare tbh. Bad drivers and passive-aggressive crashers I see every day, but I've literally never seen a speed hacker on an S2 server, and I have a few miles under my belt.
Well these admin/hax are not going to make it blatantly obvious, the difference will only be 2 seconds a lap, I can't believe you all go around with your eyes shut.

And 20 server fps was the norm for games in 2003, are we going backwards?

6 server fps is insulting my eyes, LFS (Lag Fest Supreme)
Quote from Tox Laximus :Well these admin/hax are not going to make it blatantly obvious, the difference will only be 2 seconds a lap, I can't believe you all go around with your eyes shut.

And 20 server fps was the norm for games in 2003, are we going backwards?

6 server fps is insulting my eyes, LFS (Lag Fest Supreme)

Sounds like you need a better PC, dude.

As for people being faster than you... well, they've had a lot more practice.
Given that we, as a community, know who are the superfast alien guys and who aren't, anyone using hacks gets noticed pretty damn quickly. As has been said, a lot of the speed difference in identical cars is down to a combination of setup and driver skill (and practice).

I will admit that some weird crashes do happen due to lag or other network issues, but the netcode in LFS has been known for years to be among the best (if not _the_ best) of any racing sim. You can race a lot closer and rub doors with a lot more confidence than in the likes of Netkar or iRacing.

Edit: There is one cheat/hack/exploit that is commonly used, and that is the button clutch macro. League admins and server admins generally try to restrict the use of this as much as they can, but at the end of the day it is a well known exploit that can be used by anyone, and is only useful really for finding a few 10ths over a lap.
#30 - troy
Quote from Tox Laximus :6 server fps is insulting my eyes, LFS (Lag Fest Supreme)

You got no clue what you're talking about and with every reply it gets more obvious. The server does not render any frames it just receives and sends multiplayer packets. As mentioned already inform yourself before you try to make yourself look like you've got any knowledge at all.
Well,FRAMES PER SECOND (on your screen) is something different than PACKETS PER SECOND (which is how server communicates with LFS client),if you're here just for few days,don't try to start revolution if you don't know everything yet!

And about cheating (setting up host for some people's advantage) - in this case Troy must be a hell of a hacker if he drove so good by beating everyone on server,which was hosted on my teammates PC some weeks ago.

Anyway - noone has born as supertalent,who can do everything better every one else,neither is you,so don't call cheaters/hackers those,who can drive faster than you,it's just your lack of skill/experience. Practice more,talk less!
Quote from Tox Laximus ::sleep2:

Go watch some World Record laps and see how much they "cheat." (http://www.lfsworld.net, click on "S2 Hotlaps," click the "WR's" tab, and click on a lap time)

Here's an example (no longer a WR, you get the idea): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kACdhgzNmjc

Note how smooth I am with everything I do, especially my line, steering, and throttle.

There's only one reason you can't approach their pace: you're a beginner, which means you have a lot to learn. You don't know the line and you don't have a good feel for the car. Get some practice in and maybe you'll start turning times within 2 seconds of the World Record.

If you think you're hot shit because you can beat the AI on Pro, guess again.
Check his other postings.. He is trolling on purpose. Don't waste your time mate.
#35 - troy
He got banned from racedepartment for the same crap, so I rather not waste my time here any more then I already did.
#36 - CSF
#37 - Jakg
Quote from Tox Laximus :
Devs always put little gems into the code of their servers so they can look like gods to us mortals

Inherently you've never seen Scawen's laptimes.
Quote from Tox Laximus :
6 server fps is insulting my eyes, LFS (Lag Fest Supreme)

You really need to learn the difference between PPS (packets per second) and FPS (frames per second).
Quote from Forbin :Here's an example (no longer a WR, you get the idea): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kACdhgzNmjc

Probably the best example is ~0:55 in... If you were following from behind and weren't an alien I could well understand how that would look almost like they had a better car than you.

It's all in the car control.
Not just car control, it helps to have a bloody good setup as well!
#39 - CSF
A brain helps too.
I never said the servers render frames you great big wet lettuce, I said they send clients snapshots 6 times a second which is a joke for a game in this day and age when 10 years ago servers could send up to 100 snapshots, my old q3 server could manage 60 snapshots for 16 players and did not cost any more than a lfs server.

For the laymen, thats why when your playing multiplayer it looks very jerky.

20 snaps can be smoothed out, but 6 is pathetic, a 56k modem can receive 10 snaps thats how slow were talking.

Snaps/Snapshots/Server frames per second is nothing to Video FPS for those who are having difficulty understanding.
Quote from -NightFly- :Seriously.... why are everybody replying to him?

I can answer that, look at the the attention this thread is generating, then look at the tone of the responses, they range from denial to ridicule to why the hell are all these people jumping on this thread.

Maybe I hit a nerve, unless you have a better suggestion?
Quote from Tox Laximus :I can answer that, look at the the attention this thread is generating, then look at the tone of the responses, they range from denial to ridicule to why the hell are all these people jumping on this thread.

Maybe I hit a nerve, unless you have a better suggestion?

What are you implying? That everything you said is true, LFS sucks balls and this forum is full of zealots that just won't admit it?
I haven't been racing online for quite a while but when I did, I remember having a great time. Yes, there are cheaters, yes, you might experience some lagging, but I'm not sure if you'd be better off with iRacing, rFactor, etc... every sim has its own setbacks.
I'm pretty sure everyone around here is willing to acknowledge the flaws LFS has, it's just that what you're complaining about is very much avoidable by racing on decent servers with decent people...
A few games ported from consoles are limited to 30fps on the pc, the programmers could easily fix this at the request of 1000's of people but they don't listen, so gamers have to resort to 3rd party stuff to fix it, and these games run fine.

F1 2010 was released in a unfinished state and remains so even after 1000's of complaints, the game wins a bafta, the customers were left out to dry.

Why not change a 6 to a 20 and have better racing and a system that deals with wreckers, they are not interested in fixing problems only money yet they would make more money with a polished product, but they are too single minded to see that.
Listen ****y face, if you don't like it then you know where the door is, i have the shittest computer known to man and can still play LFS easily so your either being a whiney little bitch or your computer is from the 80's.

If you like games to look pretty but not drive very well go play one of the many available console games, if you like to have your pants pulled down and drive cars with shit physics go and play iRacing, if you want the imo most realistic driving simulation on the market but your prepared to compromise a little visually and development wise then play LFS.
I'm 24 quid down, I'm not going anywhere pal.
You hate this game so much but you seem to be playing it right now?
Quit your whining then, it's not a game you can just jump into and play like F12010, takes car setup, game settings, wheel settings, car knowledge, track knowledge, driving position and practice before you get anywhere near the top guys not matter how much console experience you have.
You've confined yourself to demo servers, which are exactly what you describe them as. You need to try real S2 servers to see what LFS can be.
Is that the S2 servers that only let you drive S0 cars until you've gained points but the question is how do you gain points in a S0 car when the others are using S2.

I've seen enough to know any investment will be a waste of life.
This thread is closed

(59 posts, closed, started )