The online racing simulator
Help me please
(5 posts, started )
Help me please
For My server I would like to make a voting system.
Like the one on s2. (I wont copy it).
So when the race ends,
A box will come up and in that box will be a list of tracks.
A user can click on the track he/she wants so can other users.
The track with the most votes will be next.

How can I make/do this?

Thanks .
#3 - Sobis
You need Airio
Okay so ive download airio now I need some help with it.
If someone can guide me through on how to set the airio up for my server then that would be great....

(I have read the manuel and enterered the adress of the server but every time i open up airio.exe it says TCP ERROR and idk how to get the airio working)

Just setting "Allow guests to select tracks" when starting your new host should solve this purpose if I am right.

Help me please
(5 posts, started )