The online racing simulator
Want to make your own skins? LOOK HERE
(12 posts, started )
Want to make your own skins? LOOK HERE
Hey, after many threads asking 'how do you make skins' and alike I have decided to come up with a selection of links which will help you, all free software, pm me for help with software.

I'll start off with the basics...

Gimp 2.66 (much better and more reliable than photoshop in my opinion)

LFS Viewer

Default Skins

Once you have them you have to start off looking at some of the basics of how to white areas you see, looking much like the car are the skin panels, you do whatever you want with them, try using the 'magic' selector tool (magic wand on gimp 2.66 panel) and set the threshhold to about 45.0 and select the area for a thin coat of paint, if you want to be able to see the car behind it, click on the painting button, set opacity to around 70.0 on full black for a nice shade of gray, put it onto scale 10.00 and cover the car, then just add some decals, save it with a new name i.e if it was an FXO in gray and your name was matt do FXO_graymatt , save it to *lfs root*/data/skins and then go to and upload it so people can see it (optional as skins are often converted from skins_x from .dds to .jpg as one of mine was in the past week.

Thanks for reading and I'd be interested to read your feedback,

Well, that sucks.
#5 - Nunop
Skin Program
Good Afternoon all!I wanna know if anyone can put the link of the skin program!Thanks!
Quote from Nunop :Good Afternoon all!I wanna know if anyone can put the link of the skin program!Thanks!

Try Gimp - the link I've put here is for the Massive Package version - includes textures, brushes, plugins and all sorts of interesting bit and pieces.
Hey, I'm new to LFS and the custom skins ordeal, can someone be nice enough to post the XFG Skin template, thanks Smile
Okay thanks, guys!!

Team osizweni ❤️✊

Want to make your own skins? LOOK HERE
(12 posts, started )