Hallo dear coders! I have one request,I hope it's a simple one: Basically what I need is a program,that gives a custom starting signal and checks for jumpstarts. For example let's take the Fern Bay mini oval - everyone starts out from original FE Green starting grid,takes their starting positions on oval (drawn with markers),admin checks their positions,if everything is ok,he types !start (or whatever the prefix is),program gives starting signals similar like usual LFS ones on-screen (like Airio info and others). If anyone makes a jumpstart,program either gives some penalty or cancels the start and informs who jumped the start (would be nice to have both options in some cfg file).
I believe it's a not too hard request (even if I'm troubled seriously when seeing html code already
),so is there a chance anyone can make it? Or already done? I would be very thankful for it,even if I'm not able to give any other reward than saying muchas gracias! I'm planning one event (or maybe multiple if it's a success) and such program would be very useful,and I believe others could find use for it too!
I believe it's a not too hard request (even if I'm troubled seriously when seeing html code already