Mouse and Keyboarders can deal with most setups, but for this case, the league would probably have to suffice to a very dulled-down setup that is easy for everybody.
Also, atledreier kind of mentions a 'production' cup, so it sounds as if the target cars would be the road cars. From what I have seen, the race cars in S2 are not that easy for Keyboard and Mouse users. But for road cars, they can stay within a respectible range to that of wheel drivers.
It is very possible to make a 'universal' setup... and the end result would probably make a setup that is no 'world record' setup, but a decent race-pace setup that anyone could drive. As I said in my previous post, you would probalby need several weeks of testing before the season starts to allow people to join together and make a decision on a final fixed setup to be used. It would take a while and require some adjustments back and forth, but in the end it would allow people to agree.
Afterall, most setups these days are not
that different with driving styles. In S1 it was different, many people had setups that others could just not drive
at all. But with S2, I haven't seen that very often anymore. Everyone just uses very similar setups, and not much changes to meet their preference from what I've seen.
And there are loads of options in your player control setups to get the right feel you want, it isn't just the setup.
I think a universal setup would be easy to adjust to, it would just need to be very forgiving overall, like a real production car
