Still 3, soon 4 years and counting on making new tyre physics, holy god dajmn!
Not to mention following things that could have been done meanwhile:
1: Rallypack
2: Westhill update
3: Interior update to all cars
4: Damage modell overhault
5: Various damage calculation overhault, like clutch heating, susbension damage, engine damage and such
6: Fixing the various bugs for improved game value
7: Dual core support. Scawen stated that it would be around a month's of work
8: AI update
Just to mention some of them.
And I am perfectly aware that this is whining, but pointing the finger at obvious flaws in the development is not moaning, it's giving a constructive feedback. If the devs use them or not is not of mine concern, but I do use my right to give an statement/opinion every now and then.
Sure, was it nessesary? Probally not. But the thing that really, really goes into my mind is that Scawen let the whining kids win. Instead of listening on the constructive feedback they recive from their community, they chose to just shut down all communication due to some kids ragequitting the game.
It's not fair leaving the whole community out in the dark due to a minority of whiners.
If there is ever going to be a progress in the future, let alone S3 which more and more seems like a joke now, the devs have to start giving attention to the game and community, instead of screwing us over and ruining a great opertunity.
But again, if they have grown tired of their first child and wants new challenges, who am I to judge? I can't, and I will try not to, but all I am asking for is a honest answer, not the usually lie "We are working on very secret stuff, so secret we canot even take a picture of it, write about it or talk about it".
Since we're comming longer and longer into the development, the quality is allways raised for each release, meaning it will take longer time to release the next release with the tools and workforce they have, but again - speaking with us does not require a master degree in anything, it just needs a little goodwill and friendliness to a divided - but lovely community.
Oh, and no, did not forgot the baby seal, poor fellow