I have sucessfully started a LFS server and it shows up in the server list.
But when you try to join the server the connection fails...?
Not sure what Im doing wrong.... I hear a lot about the config file..
I have done nothing with it, I dont know how to edit it if I need to.
Can anyone help.
Whats the exact error message that the people get when they try to connect? It could be a number of things, but usually its to do with you (the host) not forwarding the ports in your router.
The following is copied from another thread (this might not be the solution - depending on the error message that you're getting).
Have you opened the ports for LFS? Any firewalls restricting LFS' communication?
If you have Windows firewall activated or a firewall with the antivirus software, make sure LFS is in the exemption list. Look for the Program Permissions in the Firewall settings. Make sure LFS.exe is in that list.
To do this, go to http://www.portforward.com/. Find your router make/model. On the next page, there is a link on the top right corner "Click here to skip this advertisemet advertisement...", click it. Find the Live For Speed Server on the next page. The resulting page got a guide on how to port-forward on your specific router.