[LsR] Racing
Hello folks, [LsR] Lifestyle Racing is back and it's going to be good. starting early 2012 i (and other Ex LsC members are welcome to help) am going to start a racing server for people. what this will be is a short(i'm thinking 100 laps) Bi-Monthly race.
what it will be is you can enter for $1 (transfer via paypal so you can convert from whatever currency) and hopefully we will have 20-25 racers racing on the desired track (the people who enter the race can vote on that events thread in our sub forum if we get one). the winner will get $15 if there are between 20-25 racers and $10 if there are between 10-15 players. anything less and we will just have to race for fun and you won't have to pay.
How it will work? i(or whoever is running that event) will post in the event thread for our team(this is if a moderator gives us a sub-forum in the > Leagues area) and people can apply. if there is less then 25 people then your all accepted (unless someone is banned then yu won't be accepted) and if there is more then 25 folk then first come first serve and the rest will be put in first of the line for the next race. all the accepted people will be asked to pay into the LsR paypal account and everyone who pays up will be given the password for the event server. at the end of the race after we see the results of race the winner will be posted in the thread and payed. the remaining money will go into paying for the server. if money builds up then there will be a big money event and the winner takes all
when will it start?
As soon as everything is sorted i.e early 2012