You should all be familiar with ENB series by now. I'm just upping my personal setup for those who want it.
Current features = Bloom, Motion blur, Vignette, Colour correction.
Depth of Field and SSAO are disabled by default, and can be enabled with ease.
But you probably already knew that.
Also, before you comment, I'm well aware the vignette causes the loss of some colour information. But really, what difference will that make. I, personally, find it attractive and immersive regardless. LFS is still the single most immersive video game I have, and this only makes it better.




Download = Mediafire
You know the drill, drop it all in your root folder.
Edit: If you're having trouble reading in the menu, Shift + F12 will toggle it on and off. Also, make sure in the ingame options, under Misc, your FPS is capped at 52 FPS, otherwise you'll experience stuttering.
Current features = Bloom, Motion blur, Vignette, Colour correction.
Depth of Field and SSAO are disabled by default, and can be enabled with ease.
But you probably already knew that.
Also, before you comment, I'm well aware the vignette causes the loss of some colour information. But really, what difference will that make. I, personally, find it attractive and immersive regardless. LFS is still the single most immersive video game I have, and this only makes it better.




Download = Mediafire
You know the drill, drop it all in your root folder.
Edit: If you're having trouble reading in the menu, Shift + F12 will toggle it on and off. Also, make sure in the ingame options, under Misc, your FPS is capped at 52 FPS, otherwise you'll experience stuttering.