Yesss, my first win in team race ever, now this old men can retire!

We managed to stay away from mess and had similar race like on as5 in moe - perfectly clean, with excellent fuel and tire management. And perfection was needed to win in xrr on this track. That and bit of luck. Tbh i don't like this track at all, and to be more precise i hate sc1 in xrr and didn't wanted to drive this at all but i had to. And it worked out great. Starting from 8th place Egon did fantastic job in first stint doing long stint of 24 laps with great pace and things opened up for me. When My3id had timeout in 3rd hour i realized we can win this but i haven't been able to pick up my pace to secure the win and the more i was trying i was going slower. Suddenly i felt how tired i was after looong day and Isaac was catching up. Man that last half an hour was like 3h to me. Few laps before end, just when i thought i was on clear i had feisty backmarker that was unnecessarily fighting me and things started to get very serious with Isaac in mirror with his, as always, superb pace.

However, i saw his left rear tire was paper thin and i expected for him to play it safe and that calmed me down. Then he went off in draft at the entry on back straight and win was secured. I'm glad people had fun watching the stream while i was growing brand new gray hairs

Things look pretty good for us in standings after two tracks not that good for our car, lets see what happens next..