Simple Insim Request
Hello LFS Racers And Live For Speeders,
Well i have a simple and kind of easy insim request
Time at the top middle
i want it to show how much km you have driven. So if u drive 20km it should say Total Km Driven: 20
It should show all the cars on the left bottom side, so it should say XFG XRG And If someone is driving a car it should highlight that car.
I Want It like a cruise insim
But when you are driving a car and u get higher km like lets say u get 1km, and that 1km is 50 cash
So 1km=50 cash
I Want the driving bonus so like 20km is 100% bonus and the bonus gives u 2000 cash and also a health
on the top of the screen of lfs it should say how fast your driving so lets say ur driving 88Km and it should say 88km on the top
i do not want people to buy cars or earn km to buy cars
A Licence:
1-100km- Newbie
700-1000- Advanced
1500-2000- Really Good
3000+ = Expert
Moderators should have the power to kick people, Spectate people and ban people for max 1 day only

The commands i want are:
!help - shows all commands
!cars - shows all the cars you can use
!version - shows the version of the insim
!send "ammount" "username" - sends someone cash
!showoff - shows Km,Cash,All Cars and Licence
!licence - shows your licence(Beginner,Advanced and etc)
!admins - shows all online admins
!moderators - shows all online moderators
!pay "ammount" - pays a fine to the city
!penalty - removes a pitlane penalty
!serverrules - shows the server rules

That Is Pretty much it
i want the insim to look nice and not bad

Thank You,
Attached images
Can Anyone Please Help Me?
When "Will you help me?" means "Will you do all the (hard) work for me?", you really can't expect people to go head over heels trying to accommodate you.
#6 - PoVo
Nobody will do all that work for you, because it's not exactly a one-minute-to-think-of answer.

Perhaps offer someone a sum of money and they will be willing to do that work for you.