Please file any protests you wish to file here.
Qualifying Protests Deadline: 23:05 UTC Friday, 6 July 2012
Race Protests Deadline: 09:15 UTC Monday, 9 July 2012
Please Provide ALL of the following:
Session of Incident
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident
Lap and Location of Incident
Your Car Number
Other Car(s) Involved
Brief Description of Incident
Penalty Log:
None Yet.
None Yet.
Qualifying Protests Deadline: 23:05 UTC Friday, 6 July 2012
Race Protests Deadline: 09:15 UTC Monday, 9 July 2012
Please Provide ALL of the following:
Session of Incident
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident
Lap and Location of Incident
Your Car Number
Other Car(s) Involved
Brief Description of Incident
Penalty Log:
None Yet.
None Yet.