Help with LFS+insim
Good morning.

I have a dedicated server running Windows Server 2008 and want to run a LFS Cruise server with Insim.

I am wondering if anyone out there will help me with this with setting up the host and insim program and ill do the rest after the insim and host is setup.

I also want to have stats on a website which ill be designing and running on which ill be hosting on my server as well.

Please get back to me and hope someone out there will help me.

Thank You
I also have a login to the dediated server to administer the LFS & Insim files and also a login for Plesk for website controlls.

Please some one help me! and for helping me out, Ill host there website (if they have or want one) for a whole year for FREE!!!!!
#3 - PoVo
Quote from PoVo :You can find some information about setting up an LFS host here:

And you can find some cruise systems here:


If i give you the server login would you be able to upload the files for me and place them on the desktop for easy admin access.

also i want a track layout for the cruise and be able to have lotto and bank etc. what the best way to do that?
Well you're asking too much...

I don't believe that a insim coder will give you all this for nothing

Aswell using a insim without even modify nothing , won't give you future.

Quote from Chriship :Well you're asking too much...

I don't believe that a insim coder will give you all this for nothing

Aswell using a insim without even modify nothing , won't give you future.



ok. I have a track and layout selected, all i need now is the insim coded to the track so when you park somewhere it comes up with a dielog to pick a commend eg Job, buy/sell cars, lotto tickets etc
#7 - PoVo