The online racing simulator
Logitech drivers zip
(21 posts, started )
Logitech drivers zip
Need current logitech drivers in a zip. Is it possible for someone to install them in a zip and provide a download link? trying to get my G27 to work on a public pc
And your operating system is...?
Derp forgot that part, win7 64 bit
I need the actual install in a zip that way I can unzip and play. Like the profiler and such. Im sorry for not clarifying, im reeeally jittery.
Nah, I already had the feeling that you wanted that instead of the actual exe

I don't have a G27 though, so hope someone else can help you.
I don't think you need a logitech product to install, I could be wrong.
Why don't you get it off the Logitech website??
I don't think it's a good idea to install Logitech software like this. Only God knows how tied together the drivers and the additional tools are, so there's good chance you'll get a half-functioning wheel. Anyway...
These go to WINDIR\system32 on 64bit Windows. Make sure you don't overwrite anything that might be there already. The Control Panel setup tools might not be available (and it might eat your cat).
Attached files - 329.9 KB - 165 views
Quote from lukelfs :Why don't you get it off the Logitech website??

Because the exe goes into the registry and a bunch of other BS for a simple calibration tool..

Thanks madcat, shall try when im off work. Im aching for some GT2 so badly it
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Because the exe goes into the registry and a bunch of other BS for a simple calibration tool..

Registry is made for specific purpose - storing installation & configuration data of apps. Apps use it for exactly that.
Quote from E.Reiljans :so?
Registry is made for specific purpose - storing installation & configuration data of apps. Apps use it for exactly that.

I think she's more concerned about all the crap like the Profiler that comes with the drivers. OTOH, installing the driver the usual way and removing all the LG ballast from autostart is a better idea than a manual installation.
I can't even drop the files into the folder lmfao, I'll just sit on my hands till next week when my PC parts come. Good thing I didn't get the fanatec, I lost all my forza stuff. All 110 levels, 10 mill and countless cars. Still got my storefront and 2 shared club cars I guess
#14 - zip
Quote :Logitech drivers zip

Use .rar, leave me alone
These are some powerful drugs.
Quote from MadCatX :I think she's more concerned about all the crap like the Profiler that comes with the drivers. OTOH, installing the driver the usual way and removing all the LG ballast from autostart is a better idea than a manual installation.

How exactly is Profiler a "crap"? It's what lets you configure per-game wheel profiles.. :/
Because in 99 % cases you don't need it, yet Logitech designed their drivers so that it has to be running for the wheel to be fully functional.
Quote from MadCatX :Because in 99 % cases you don't need it, yet Logitech designed their drivers so that it has to be running for the wheel to be fully functional.

Uh.. really? I just tried exiting Profiler, lauching LFS, and everything worked fine (including FFB). Maybe it was the case in older version of drivers/profiler?
For instance games that adjust the wheel's range through the Logitech API make a call to the Profiler. I'm too lazy to skim through the APIs source for concrete examples...
Dirt 2 is one of these games, yet it seems to be able to set 900° range just fine without Profiler running. :s
Any game that uses functions from LogiControllerProperties class needs the Profiler to be running to work. Logitech SDK will launch the Profiler automatically if required. The older version of the SDK notified the Profiler via SendMessage(), the newer version probably has the Profiler monitor the changes somehow. This is valid for SDK 1.00.002


namespace LogitechSteeringWheel
// If your game does not use any of the functions in this class, you
// may set following value to FALSE to keep Logitech Gaming Software
// from getting started unnecessarily.


ControllerProperties::ControllerProperties(HWND hwnd)
// Check Logitech Gaming Software version
ZeroMemory(&m_wingmanVersion, sizeof(m_wingmanVersion));
if (SUCCEEDED(m_gamingSoftwareManager.GetWingmanSWVersion(m_wingmanVersion)))
if (m_wingmanVersion.major == 5 && m_wingmanVersion.minor >= 3
|| m_wingmanVersion.major > 5)
m_currentVersionSupportsGetSetProperties = TRUE;
// Start Wingman gaming software if necessary
if (!m_gamingSoftwareManager.IsEventMonitorRunning())
// Only start event monitor if it supports getting and setting properties
if (m_currentVersionSupportsGetSetProperties)
m_hadToStartEMon = TRUE;

When the Profiler is autolaunched like this, it's passed "/noui /force" parameters which could explain why you though it wasn't running.

Logitech drivers zip
(21 posts, started )