Yes, we have logs, but they are very big so to investigate anything would require more information such as usernames involved and specifc dates/times of any incidents. Also, they would only show chat and voteban actions, not what actually happened on the track. To investigate race incidents, we would ask you to save a replay, upload it to a file sharing site and then post it here with the relevant details: ... opic.php?f=24&t=33693
Some general advice for you - if you are getting a bad reaction to announcing the fact you are new, then why do it? We have many newbies but also some experienced racers online, and we need to try to get along. Also, if people are regularly vote-banning you, then there must be some reason. If you have caused an incident then rather than saying "

" which kind of indicates you think it's funny, then try "sorry" instead. Even as a more experienced racer, I have this on one of my wheel buttons and will always use it if I so much as make light contact with someone else BEFORE they have a chance to write an angry message. It defuses a lot of situations.
Regarding admins, we have too many as it is. Whenever I check there is normally one online somewhere. But however many we have, it's impossible to guarantee there will be one online 24 hours a day!