[LsC] LifeStyle Cruise 2012
(125 posts, started )
[LsC] LifeStyle Cruise 2012
After few years of waiting, we decided to run Lifestyle Cruise again.

Thanks goes to Tom making dreams came true!
Welcome To [LsC] LifeStyle Cruise
Cruising with style even better than ever!!


Povo our owner and developer, is building all new LsC insim the things you never have seen in LsC before.


Features we have
All new car shop located in old pit.
Car prices are changing to 1 k more and 1k less
All new job mission with fast payrate and faster delivering
All new !gps system. Easy and safe to use
!carinfo [car] to see your car info like registration, distance purchase date etc.
Better detailed !showoff
!location to show everyone where you are in (in game)
!pm [username] [message] to Private Message to people you want
All new !send [amount] command which is faster way to send money to player you want to.
Old legendary !tow with 500 Euro pay.
And ofc no AFK timer.
To see all new updates of insim or want to make insim / server suggestion please check here.

If you have something to say please pm to Povo if you have question of lsc insim or ask ingame in LsC to him.
3 cruise server in 1 week

#4 - PoVo
Quote from Franky.S :3 cruise server in 1 week


But LsC is an old server so it doesn't really count
#5 - Sobis
Oh yes, good old times.
how exciting
(xtraction) DELETED by xtraction : .
Good to see this is coming back, I'll gladly support it.
#8 - PoVo
Quote from xtraction :will just die again without fail.

With players like you of course it would.

I don't see why you most such things, then go on our server and begin ramming etc.
Quote from xtraction :will just die again without fail.

Shut up kid.

Why all people hates on LsC now with no proper reason??
insulting people definately will bring people to your server.
Can I just ask what calendar you were using to calculate the fact LsC has been closed two years? Been a year tops
oh reviving LsC? good luck with that
#13 - PoVo
Quote from skywatcher122 :oh reviving LsC? good luck with that

Your post is ironic considering we had 35 players online today and we were up at the top of the server list
Already had some fun on this server. Not that i was following the rules
#15 - PoVo
Quote from Bmxtwins :Already had some fun on this server. Not that i was following the rules

Well at least you benefited from being on the server
Well making all the cruise nubs QQ is pretty fun tbh.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Well making all the cruise nubs QQ is pretty fun tbh.

i actually enjoy LsC :> looks promising
Quote from PoVo :Your post is ironic considering we had 35 players online today and we were up at the top of the server list

I don't mind that anyways ahaha..
if you think im still working with someone else
i'm not affiliated to someone else now basically tired of it :P
just goodluck with that best regards with your team
good old days
My fav oserver ;p
Quote from ricardoboy10 :My fav oserver ;p

Hmmm last time I checked it only has a s2 server?

Edit: seems you drive with a s2 account but just use another account for the forum. My bad!
Quote from ville1806 :After few years of waiting, we decided to run Lifestyle Cruise again.

Thanks goes to Tom making dreams came true!
Welcome To [LsC] LifeStyle Cruise
Cruising with style even better than ever!!


Povo our owner and developer, is building all new LsC insim the things you never have seen in LsC before.


Features we have
All new car shop located in old pit.
Car prices are changing to 1 k more and 1k less
All new job mission with fast payrate and faster delivering
All new !gps system. Easy and safe to use
!carinfo [car] to see your car info like registration, distance purchase date etc.
Better detailed !showoff
!location to show everyone where you are in (in game)
!pm [username] [message] to Private Message to people you want
All new !send [amount] command which is faster way to send money to player you want to.
Old legendary !tow with 500 Euro pay.
And ofc no AFK timer.
To see all new updates of insim or want to make insim / server suggestion please check here.

If you have something to say please pm to Povo if you have question of lsc insim or ask ingame in LsC to him.

just wanted to point out you got that from me... i dont care but i love how you ban me so i can't see your server/insim etc

nice to know where your values are at povo, as you was saying yesturday i thought we was friends but today i'm banned for expressing my views.
#22 - PoVo
Cool story bro.

You provoked me yourself.

If you spend 2 days joining our server and telling everyone that we copied your server etc, then expect to be banned.

I told you to PM me if you have any problems, that's what you get for not shutting up.
Well Povo,

Then can you please explain me why you guys use the "TC Driving" Skins then ?

You took their skins, changed the name of the server on it, and then published it,

TC is already aware of this now.

So yeah.
#24 - PoVo
yea but a pm doesnt show everybody all the stuff you ripped off i mean wkd was the first server to have Random Job items yet i see you an deliver paper and keys from your server..

none of this bothers me just a shame you can't atleast attempt to create your own stuff and when you get told that you've done a copy you just /ban to avoid the result. i mean even your facebook page looks the same as ours with the same kind of picture as a header: http://www.facebook.com/LscLifeStyleCruise

but anyways i dont want to start a flame war on here so good luck with lsc and congrats on releasing it.

[LsC] LifeStyle Cruise 2012
(125 posts, started )