The online racing simulator
Is giving a real name, a requirement?
Hey ppl! I'm very interested in joining this league. I've joined a few leagues before, but all weren't single seaters so I found this league and I'm very pleased to know that the BF1 will be used. Now, the thing I wanted to ask, is it a requirement to give out the real name or its ok just to use my LFS nick? because I don't feel comfortable giving out my real name for a few reasons. Thanks!
omg omg, I knew it!!!! You are Colin Farrell!!! Come on, speak up!
Yep you caught me LOL! , but seriously, can my team race without using real names?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Suppose I could. I think though I'll become a 3rd driver (Test driver).
You only must give the first letter of your first name, and your full last name. That is it. We are not going to spam you, we are not going to send you mail on how to inlarge your ... you know what I mean.
just lie heh.... what they dont know cant hurt them