The online racing simulator
#1 - Omar1
Dual monitors in Richard burns rally, Test drive unlimited and LFS fullscreen?
i can run lfs in dual monitors easily by running it windowed, stretched across the two screens but i'd like to run it full screen.
Also Richard burns rally and test drive unlimited just stay on 1 screen... I've done a lot of searching but cant find anything, help please :/
It would be quite useful if you tell us your OS, graphic card model and monitor's resolution. You know, so we can start to tell you some things to try
#3 - Omar1
oops, windows 7 ultimate, 2 17"s at 1280x1024, HD 4870 X2
This doesn't work on Win7, you might be able to get it working with SoftTH.
its not working in 2 monitor even in SoftTH if any one have the script for lfs in 2 monitor i would like to test it again
#6 - Omar1
i dont know how SoftTH works, its just a .dll file?
SoftTH is rather touchy when it comes to two monitors. You basically need to trick it into thinking you are running three (and therefore your GPU renders three). Shouldn't be a rpoblem if you are running 4870x2. If you need, I can find my SoftTH setting file from when I did run dual monitors. My second 17" unfortunately broke, so I'm running 1 24" and hopefully getting 3 19" soon.

To your question, it is a dll file (D3D9.dll) and a settings file like softth.cfg or something and you just drop it in the root folder of the game if it is supported, and it should pick it up right away.
#8 - Omar1
Quote from GenesisX : If you need, I can find my SoftTH setting file from when I did run dual monitors.

To your question, it is a dll file (D3D9.dll) and a settings file like softth.cfg or something and you just drop it in the root folder of the game if it is supported, and it should pick it up right away.

Thanks for the help, can you send me the dual screen setting then please?
#9 - Omar1
i found a dual monitor config, used it for LFS... when i switch to fullscreen (Shift+F4) it tries to work but then lfs just closes itself?

EDIT: Great, tried some others and now LFS just stops responding and crashes as soon as i try to open it
Have you tried editing RichardBurnsRally.cfg?

There's an XRes and YRes (the amount of horizontal and vertical pixels)
I have no experience regarding multi-monitor setups, but it might work.

EDIT: doesn't seem to work.
RBR doesnt even try to play in 2 screens, just stays on one even though im using SoftTH
Bump, still need help
Any clear ideas on how to get rFactor to work dual screens?
Greetings Omar,

rFactor runs perfect with 2 screens, using SoftTH.
Just make sure to get the last version of SoftTH (2.08, I think), as it is using DX9. Then, when configuring rFactor settings select DX9 version, and select the correct resolution.

Also, if you still need help with LFS, let me know.

Quote from luchian :Greetings Omar,

rFactor runs perfect with 2 screens, using SoftTH.
Just make sure to get the last version of SoftTH (2.08, I think), as it is using DX9. Then, when configuring rFactor settings select DX9 version, and select the correct resolution.

Also, if you still need help with LFS, let me know.


Thank you for the help i will try this shortly, and yes im still running lfs windowed and it'd be nice if it were full screen
Put softTH in the rfactor folder, still runs on one screen, no option for a dual screen resolution and no config file has been generated
What version of softTH are you running ?

Note that for LFS, either you run with a DX8 version of SoftTH (1.08, I think), either you run with DX9 version and use the ENB convertor (to trick the exchange DX9<>DX8).

Just to make it simple, I have attached the 3 files you need. Just drop them into LFS folder, and the moment you launch your game it should ask you about creating the config file (delete any previous one, if the case).

For rFactor, use only the D2D9.dll

IMPORTANT NOTE: in my case it didn't work until I didn't set AA to Off in driver CPanel (nVidia 8800GT x 2; and also tested on nVidia GTX670 + 8800GT).
The attached files are the property of their respective owners, I did not do any modification nor do I claim the right for them. I am only sharing, as they are free.
Attached files - 255.3 KB - 597 views
For rFactor? the latest one i think.

THANK YOU lfs is working full screen now
You're welcome. I have intended to make a thread about it (since all 15+ others on the subject don't give you the solution), but I guess this will do.
Have fun.
Go for it, needs a simple solution and you have it! any ideas on rFactor?
oops didnt see that, its working! is there any way to adjust the bezel like in lfs?
Definetly. But I don't know exactly how, never really needed it. LFS is basically all I use long enough to care.
I am sure I have read the solution on SoftTH homepage (also there is a readme.txt, in the original folder where you have downloaded softth).

In any case, if you study it and you manage to do it, it would be nice to give something back (aka write here) . Good luck.
cheers mate, just been trying with Richard burns rally but the resolution doesnt appear, strange - all the usual stuff came up
Quote from Omar1 :cheers mate, just been trying with Richard burns rally but the resolution doesnt appear, strange - all the usual stuff came up

Just edit its cfg file. RBR only supports a few resolutions, but you can set whatever you want. And don't forget the aspect ratio, though that is a bit tricky to calculate, search for a calculator.