Quote from OTone :Why only 6 rounds?

cuz after 2 rounds the attendence will drop
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :cuz after 2 rounds the attendence will drop


It'll still be two races per round, so it's 12 races in total (or 11 if the final round is around an hour long).

It has nothing to do with a possible attendance-drop-off. Mr. Majoor, you've already made that attendance after two races point, please don't make it over and over again. I really don't want anyone posting nothing of value in this thread, and a negative comment like that certainly isn't valuable to this thread.
As1/as1r no as2 plox
What about this series? Is it starting or not?
I Meant to post the docs yesterday, but someone at work called in sick do I had to pull an 11 hour day. I'll have it all up this afternoon/evening. Right now round 1 is a week from today, could try to push it back if wanted. See google doc in OP for tracks.
Quote from dekojester :Round 1 - 13th October @ Blackwood Grand Prix Reversed (clear day)
Round 2 - 27th October @ Aston Club Reversed (cloudy afternoon)
Round 3 - 10th November @ South City Town Reversed (cloudy sunset)
Round 4 - 24th November @ Westhill International (cloudy afternoon)
Round 5 - 1st December @ Fern Bay Green (clear day)
Round 6 - 15th December @ Kyoto National (cloudy afternoon)

actually see here for correct dates.
signed up.

a lot of times the people who try hardest in life get too little appreciation. so, thanks for this.