Will you stop spaming and abusing people, guys? It's not really kind of you. Comment on the topic, don't trash here. I feel like you just don't have anything to say, just spaming instead of giving a constructive feedback. If you have any thoughts toward Walter's personality - write in his PM section.
Now back on topic, the camera angles are pretty good, colors, well, at some stages (not really a big fan of colored in red shots), camera movement, hm.. Yeah here is a problem - if you do a basic movement, you are doing it pretty well, but if you trying to do advanced movement, you are dealing with difficulities. For an example, from 0:29sec and so on. I understood what you were trying to achieve, but lack of practice and knowledge how the camera moves, the camera movement wasn't so good, but hey - you have the best conditions to practice futhermore. The good thing is that you have a powerful pc, it's an obvious thing. The shots are really smooth and nice to watch. It's a really big pros. The thing that tells you feel an atmosphere - combining race shots with onboards which is absolutely good thing and actually you combining them really well. Also you do use modified cameras (like the camera on the side of the car) which gives a new experience - that's innovative and good thing.
An advice: Always rewatch the video before publishing it. I mean take a look if there is no errors in video. In this case, I see one error at 1:14 which is just an error which occured due to codec problem - it's pretty usual thing at rendering stage. And yeah, summarizing - the video I would say is a bit higher than average level, but still a lot to do. If you wanna make a kind of story - you need a good intro and outro - I have felt watching this that you were trying to start it with proper intro, but, somehow, it's a lacking one, meanwhile, I didn't see an ending at all. I would say I can rate it as 6,5 to 7 max out of 10. I give 7 with a big advance and expecting your improvement. Take your time and carry on.

Good luck.