The online racing simulator
I updated with the ingame updater. After LFS restarted it show the logo, music began to play but where it shows intro instead was just black screen with this messages:

"could not load car"
Everything else seems to work (except the things that need masterserver) and after another restarts intro does not play anymore and thus the error message was gone, too.
Quote from Gutholz :I updated with the ingame updater. After LFS restarted it show the logo, music began to play but where it shows intro instead was just black screen with this messages:

"could not load car"
Everything else seems to work (except the things that need masterserver) and after another restarts intro does not play anymore and thus the error message was gone, too.

try instaling full install. seems like missing files (obviously)
I wrote "everything else works" = i can play normal - just the intro was broken.
Just tested the temp.spr replay that is the intro iirc (2 fbm on blackwood) and plays normal too btw.
So it was only right after install that the intro was broken.
Quote from :Yeah 6C gets CPW kicked. 6D doesn't. All good now as far as I can see.

Thanks for the info - I've fived that so 0.6C should work now (unless they take over a car).

Quote from bishtop :weve updated our servers on master race car and ive updated my lfs installation from the ingame notification and now getting cpw errors. and no i dont use any mods or anything im 100% against them.
il try a new fresh download of lfs and see if helps.if needed i can provide the log file if it would help in anyway,

*edit i think i know what it is .il check to see if it was updated with with the 6c and not 6d version,

Yes that is probably it. Guests with 0.6C would have been kicked - my mistake.

That's probably running smooth now - just missing skin downloading.
thankyou so much and great work done
cant open the site
cant download any patch file, because they all on
cant download it trough lfs when scaning for servers, it says - "could not open the restarter program"
Quote from Gutholz :I updated with the ingame updater. After LFS restarted it show the logo, music began to play but where it shows intro instead was just black screen with this messages:

"could not load car"
Everything else seems to work (except the things that need masterserver) and after another restarts intro does not play anymore and thus the error message was gone, too.

Are the unloadable cars from S1 or S2 pack? IIRC this happens when you have a race set up with licensed cars on a demo track and your LFS gets locked for some reason (like an update).
Quote from Scawen :That is supposed to mean that player has hacked a packet. But obviously could be a bug. If it can be reproduced, please tell me how it happens.

I've attached one to this post.

Yes terrible timing. This happened once before, this year. Some kind of computer problem, don't know what.

We have started a temporary master server and a temporary placeholder website, so you may be able to get online any time soon.

Replay is race replay here: ... T1WS2013Round1_Replays.7z

After about lap 50. may wanna watch it in regular timing.
Quote from Scorpio :cant open the site
cant download any patch file, because they all on
cant download it trough lfs when scaning for servers, it says - "could not open the restarter program"

Attached to this post is a zip file. Inside the zip is the restarter program, to put in your LFS folder.
Next time, please do not delete the restarter program, because it is part of the automatic update system.
Attached files - 31.8 KB - 333 views
Quote from Scawen :Attached to this post is a zip file. Inside the zip is the restarter program, to put in your LFS folder.
Next time, please do not delete the restarter program, because it is part of the automatic update system.

thanks a lot Scawen
Master server is back, thanks
Thanks alot for the updates It means alot to all of us (I know you'll read this and say nothing about it Scawen .. that's just fine )

Only great thing that I can think of for inprovments now is replays that can jump to a point by rewinding if it's quicker than going to that point forward from the beginning
Great Work . thanks .
#139 - CZE
Eh....Can´t download MANUAL pacth...need wait for fix? only link for dedi is working....
About the red SECURITY message :

Quote from Bmxtwins :Replay is race replay here: ... T1WS2013Round1_Replays.7z

After about lap 50. may wanna watch it in regular timing.

OK, that replay was recorded in 0.6B and SECURITY when using the new version to watch a 0.6B replay means it was really CPW or OOS at the time. So I guess those guys got an out of sync for some reason.

In a replay saved from the new versions, CPW and OOS "leave reasons" are saved separately. SECURITY and HACK should then indicate packet hacking (or a bug).

Has anyone seen SECURITY in the C or D versions, or anything else... OOS, crashes, anything I need to know about?
Good morning, for some reason my LFSW isnt working.

So I did no changes at all and there were problems last

night with masterserver I guess its on your side, PVL
Scawen, plz attach a manual patch to 1st post. it can't be downloaded because is down.
I'm not sure what you need a manual patch for. If you open the server-list in LFS, an update will be offered and it installs without problems. I just tried that myself.
Totally random question but do you guys ever plan on upgrading the graphics in LFS? IE DX11, higher res textures, improved lighting, HDR, etc?
Gonna be interesting to see a few guys not racing for a while after this release because they can't use their hacks.
Quote from isamu :Totally random question but do you guys ever plan on upgrading the graphics in LFS? IE DX11, higher res textures, improved lighting, HDR, etc?

What? DX 11? What for? Is this Crysis? You must be kidding. I'd rather be a million times happier if Scawen would bring us a DualCore support, because as far as I know it uses only one Core.

If you want higher res textures, check this out: ... &highlight=revolution
Quote from bogdani.cojocaru :What? DX 11? What for? Is this Crysis? You must be kidding. I'd rather be a million times happier if Scawen would bring us a DualCore support, because as far as I know it uses only one Core.

If you want higher res textures, check this out: ... &highlight=revolution

I guess the majority would appreciate lifting LFS's graphics to the next level and that's much more than just texture resolutions. The fact that MS changed like 99% of DirectX API between DX8 and DX11 might be the major reason why its still what it is. Multi-core (more than 2 ) is certainly a step forward too, so would 64bit be.
Quote from Concept-X :Not a bid deal but when I want to leave LFS and press exit in the menu two mouseclicks doesnt throw me back to windows as it used to in 06B now you have to press esc also. Should it work this way?

Hey concept think you have too unlock lfs again after update.

The thing you talk about is demo thing.
Great work Scawen! Lets hope there will be some extra content sooner or later

New Version : 0.6E
(618 posts, started )