The online racing simulator
#1 - samoo
scripting button to do 2 actions
Hi, Ive been seraching, but I havent had much luck

Im a complete newbie at scripting and I'm trying to make button 12 on my wheel do both handbrake and clutch at the same time

ie if i hold it down, both clutch will be in, and handbrake will be fully on
write those commands in a script, and then tell that button to run the script
#3 - samoo
how do I do that?

I tried

/button 12 handbrake
/button 12 clutch

but all it did was change the key allocation
AFAIK a script can't be used to HOLD a button.

Try Quick Macro or something. You can also use a DX input simulator like PPJoy.
Quote from Keling :@Whiskey
AFAIK a script can't be used to HOLD a button.

Oh right. At first read I thought it just wanted the keypress on the clutch just before engadging the handbrake.

Is there any posibility that setting the clutch to axis (and probably inverting it) throught the script can be used to hold it without using PPJoy and such programs?
Quote from Whiskey :...
Is there any possibility that setting the clutch to axis (and probably inverting it) through the script can be used to hold it without using PPJoy and such programs?

You can do that at button press, but nothing will happen at button release. So it won't work out very well. Besides, you'll still need a "dead" axis to do that. Unless there's already one for some reason, no getting around PPJoy.
#7 - samoo
Ive managed to get it to work by using my logitech profiler, problem is the profiler wont let you assign macros to the driving force GT shifter lol

so if I use a wheel button it works fine