The online racing simulator
(22 posts, started )
Server: ATC CnR on S2
Dats: May 22nd
Time: 9pm BST free to join after start time as games can last hours.
Car: XFR
Track: VARIED!!!

Password for session: snowball

There is no sign up. Just turn up and play... please state your interest in replies if you are interested.


What is Cnr? = Cops and Robbers!!!! 2 - 5 people start as cops and must catch and hit each robber 3 times. (1/4 racers start as cops depending total ammount.. ie 20 people = 5 cops 15 robbers)

The Rules:

3 Hits will mean that you suddenly feel the good side of the force so you become a cop. each time you gget hit please say how many on the game..

ie if it is your first hit simply type "1" second "2" third "3" no speech marks needed..

Robber speeding in pitlane = 1 Hit per speeding infraction.

Cop Speeding in Pitlane = Until he repits (Shift +S) any hits he makes do not count. This includes if he blocks a robber in any way and another cp gets the robber as a result.

All players MUST have the mini map and names OFF!!! This can be done either via Shift + F or go to Options / Display. Displaysmall map NO!! and press N untill names are OFF. please do this otherwise it is no longer a fun game.

After being hit a robber has 10 seconds to get away or to Shift - S to the pits before he can be hit again.. A robber CAN be hit in the pit area so be careful. The only time a hit does not count in the pit area is if the 10 seconds have not yet passed.

If you have not just been hit by a cop but a cop is close to you then you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PIT!!!

Using a BUG ie hiding in a WALL or between walls or under the track is NOT allowed. Doing this counts as a hit.. Please keep this a fun game.

You can go any way on the track and can park anywhere (unless a bug is exploited)

Cops must use a plain WHITE car or Cop skin.

Robbers must use a plain BLACK car or Swag skin. do not forget to change when you become a cop.

Download skins here:

To make this more enjoyable for everyone. download these horns and put them in ur data/snd folder. they will replace the normal horns so u may want to back them up. Only people who also have these horns will hear them.

We know that some of these rules are slightly different to some of the normal CnR games you may find in LFS but we believe it is the best way.. Feel free to comment on additions or changes.

Hope to see you all there.
YAY! Im there!
I'll try and join, sounds like fun.
Count me in.
Yes, you can drive to any place, you can reach.
Do the hits have to be particularly hard? Is just scratching the paintwork acceptable or does visible deformation have to be caused?
No, every touch counts.
Quote from duke_toaster :Do the hits have to be particularly hard? Is just scratching the paintwork acceptable or does visible deformation have to be caused?

As zeug sais. EVERY hit counts. no matter how soft
Not started yet........

I'm starting to get a bit worried now, probably unjustifiably tho.


Where is it?
It's either going to start very late or it's not going to start at all. The server is still public and set to AS Club.

Under what name is it currently under?
ATC Team Public #1. I can't find ATC CnR.
It looks like we might have to gatecrash it
I'm not going to wait any longer.

Count me OUT.
Last I heard, Franky was having hard drive issues on his own pc, so doubt it will happen today. I could be wrong though, not spoken to any of the team yet today.
Quote from mkinnov8 :Last I heard, Franky was having hard drive issues on his own pc, so doubt it will happen today. I could be wrong though, not spoken to any of the team yet today.

I'm more than up for CnR next week
Sorry guys had a massive hard drive failure last night. It quite litterally blew up on me.. we'll try it again another day... How about tomorrow. (Monday) at 9pm BST (UK)
thats 12:00 noon PST correct?, or is it 1:00?
should be 1:00
5 minutes til green

(22 posts, started )