Quote from CodeLyoko1 :are you also gonna change the blocking last 5% rule? not throw it away, but change the rule? the 250 finish I thought just wasnt good looking.

What was bad looking on it? Please go attacking RR..
Quote from Bmxtwins :Hmm?

Simply, it's enought of *insert something bad here* here from your teammates
Please just a note on what I said about age.

I do not give a damn about how old anyone on LFS is, you can be 7 as far as I am concerned.

BUT that said, don't act like an immature kid, all of us here take part in an adult activity, have a mature attitude and do not give your age away.

This thread has again be hijacked by the immature comments of 2 kids.

Really, I wish I can drive as well as both of you, just leave the bickering at home.
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :are you also gonna change the blocking last 5% rule? not throw it away, but change the rule? the 250 finish I thought just wasnt good looking.

No, not likely. Blocking is a part of racing on ovals in all classes. To take that away from competitors in our events at the end of the race would make victory a simple matter of who was second place off of turn #3.

Be careful guys or this thread will be locked. Nothing too far yet, but be careful.
As Cornys says, stay out of trouble and stay on the lead lap, then you will make pretty good results
And don't mess with admins, that's a bullet proof way to loose positions

Since I'm a really poor qualifier and a poor hotlapper, that's the golden tactic for me ... and it works for sure. Was up to third position at PS3 4 laps to go, but was hit from behind then at last restart, so not really much to do about that.
Still proves Cornys is correct, take it easy and play it tactical, takes two to dance a tango so be faithful to whoever wanna dance with you, and suddenly you find yourself in a great position when only a few laps remains
When protests will be done, not gonna bother woh this event if admins cant even reciew incidents
Quote from Bmxtwins :When protests will be done, not gonna bother woh this event if admins cant even reciew incidents

We get it, RR events suck.

And so do MoE/IGTC/NDR for their lack of pace on these things in the past.
Well when a racer notifies you of people doing this illegally all it takes is to pop open the temp mpr.
Some things are missed, get over it. People do this for the joy of others, not as a job. Stop taking things so seriously and race for fun. If someone did something unfairly and gained an advantage and got away with it, well then that's racing.

It takes 30 seconds a thread to see how you're always downing these admins, either act like an adult and help them out in a positive away, or shutup and gtfo. They try and people enjoy their races. They are still new to admining. All admin teams don't blossom until their 3rd year or so. Being negative about it all isn't helping anything.
Quote from PMD9409 :Some things are missed, get over it. People do this for the joy of others, not as a job. Stop taking things so seriously and race for fun. If someone did something unfairly and gained an advantage and got away with it, well then that's racing.

It takes 30 seconds a thread to see how you're always downing these admins, either act like an adult and help them out in a positive away, or shutup and gtfo. They try and people enjoy their races. They are still new to admining. All admin teams don't blossom until their 3rd year or so. Being negative about it all isn't helping anything.

racing is fun if its fair. That requires good admins... OK I'll shut up. otherwise this thread is full of awsomeness again
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :racing is fun if its fair. That requires good drivers... OK I'll shut up. otherwise this thread is full of awsomeness again

Fixed a typo for you.

E: I'm not denying, that good race doesn't entirely require good admin team. That depends on the case though. If you have road race, it is less likely to have trouble, than oval event.
Problem is, when drivers take their emotions to the track and decide to take revenges, deal with their nemesis or generally act like twats, owerwhelm admins with meaningless stuff, when there are more important things to do. That doesn't make our work easier, you have to look into stuff and that slows down everything and makes you forget things. I believe the opening post had this message in it, if you are able to read along the lines.
We'll be happy, if anyone, who reads this, will take it as a hint to improve themselves and thus help improve our series generally. Because drivers are the deciding factor, if the race is good or not and if admins have easier job or not.
Thank you.
You can save time by saying car xx move behind car xx instead of

Car a overtake xx
Car b overtake xx and so on for about 7 cars.

This will give you more time to give general reminders and focus on wave arounds etc
Quote from Bmxtwins :You can save time by saying car xx move behind car xx instead of

Car a overtake xx
Car b overtake xx and so on for about 7 cars.

This will give you more time to give general reminders and focus on wave arounds etc

That was what I was doing at first, but the drivers didn't seem to respond so I started doing it as I have been. I can try telling people to drop to behind a certain car to save time, but that usually doesn't work as quickly. People like taking positions, but not giving them away. Who could blame them?

We'll see if it will work better now that drivers have a few session under their belts. 20 drivers have obtained 1 credit thus far.
Quote from Kid222 :Fixed a typo for you.
Thank you.

good drivers come when good admins are there. so technically both is good
Quote from Cornys :That was what I was doing at first, but the drivers didn't seem to respond so I started doing it as I have been. I can try telling people to drop to behind a certain car to save time, but that usually doesn't work as quickly. People like taking positions, but not giving them away. Who could blame them?

We'll see if it will work better now that drivers have a few session under their belts. 20 drivers have obtained 1 credit thus far.

Hmm ... how about let all lapped cars do a drive through under last lap at the SC period? Maybe it would solve some of the problems since they all at least comes behind the cars on the lead lap. Cars with penalty " go to the end of the longest line" could just wait under the apron till the "drive through cars" have passed. Doable?
Quote from Kid222 :Fixed a typo for you.

your actually pretty wrong there, it is not the drivers who make a series good. It is the admins. The admins must set forth a standard to the drivers which makes them want to follow suite and provide a good standard. It does help if you have good drivers participating though. If you want a good example of hard work making a league pay off you can look at my GT3 league, I have put countless hours into it and am still learning how to be a better admin (mainly from deko now). Anyways you get the point, Gt3 has gone from a 8-14 car grid in season 1 to a 30+ car grid in season 4, and in season 3. You guys will get there eventually but I have to say that the leadership of the league is what draws in the majority of drivers.
He isn't wrong at all.

See: iTCC.
Quote from Cawwa :Hmm ... how about let all lapped cars do a drive through under last lap at the SC period? Maybe it would solve some of the problems since they all at least comes behind the cars on the lead lap. Cars with penalty " go to the end of the longest line" could just wait under the apron till the "drive through cars" have passed. Doable?

I will see about trying something of this sort. It will likely be a little different however . We'll see if it works. That's what these practice sessions are for... the admin team to find things which work and don't.. and racers who work... and don't
Well, if i could say, i have experience of admining league of ~70 people on 3-4 servers. I didn't have any minor or major problem with anyone through the season, because everyone behaved (FXO).
I also remember another league, which was ran (not admined by me) with sponsors and financial/material prizes and approx. the same amount of drivers (mostly the same people) and it had one of the worst driving and there was lots of problems to solve (GTR's).
You see, it's generally the drivers, who make the difference. We're not to blame for anyone's crashing or misbehavior.
Yes, oval racing is specific, especially on Kyoto, which makes matters worse at some times, but that doesn't change my point.
I agree that we're not perfect, even NDR aren't gods. We are improving. But as i said in my earlier post, you need to improve as well.
Its both admins and drivers. It only takes a couple of bad drivers to cause problems, its the admins job to get rid of them/show them that they're the one in the wrong. Drivers have to take responsibility for their own actions, but there will always be some who don't and its down to the admins at that point to sort it out, rather than let a couple of drivers ruin it for everyone
I am not a participant in your series but from an outside perspective, I don't think anyone much would blame you if you put a permanent ban on these drama llamas that carry on grudges from thread to thread. On the flip side, you might have less aggro if you properly punished people that drive atrociously in your races. Rather than imposing penalties and then scaling them down when they go crying in a protest thread.

From what i've seen, you (RN) put yourself out to make races good and then get an unnecessary amount of aggro from childish idiots. Don't put up with it, ban them from your servers whatever end of the field they are driving at.
Quote from Cawwa :Hmm ... how about let all lapped cars do a drive through under last lap at the SC period? Maybe it would solve some of the problems since they all at least comes behind the cars on the lead lap. Cars with penalty " go to the end of the longest line" could just wait under the apron till the "drive through cars" have passed. Doable?

In NDR I have seen the admins ask towards the end of races for lapped drivers to do a voluntary drive-through, and a forced drive through on one of the last laps especially when there is a serious fight among the leaders.

Is okay to have lapped cars do a DT under SC if they are lapped due to slowness, but if they loose laps due to incidents where they were not at fault... hmmm? On the other hand, it will automatically put cars on the lead lap in the front of the pack, and lapped cars in the back. So good.

NDR also applies real time penalties, if a driver screws up, he can be given a DT during the race that must be executed within 3 laps. No argument, no negotiations... instant justice, or injustice ;-)
Quote from IsaacPrice :Its both admins and drivers. It only takes a couple of bad drivers to cause problems, its the admins job to get rid of them/show them that they're the one in the wrong. Drivers have to take responsibility for their own actions, but there will always be some who don't and its down to the admins at that point to sort it out, rather than let a couple of drivers ruin it for everyone

exactly what I was trying to describe thank you