Well luckily you won't see me in LFS anymore. Win-win situation - Jake (and others) won't suffer on my poor racecraft and I won't piss off on those who dare to criticize me.

Oh and btw, I went on the internet and I found this.
And if you watch the replay you'll notice I'm on the kerb with oversteer trying to stay off of Telkkälä.
Driver with proper racecraft wouldn't have this incident, do you agree with me?
guys with a little bit more brain wouldn't have rage quitted LFS.
Quote from NielsenRacer :guys with a little bit more brain wouldn't have rage quitted LFS.

well, where have you been good sir?
Quote from Franky.S :you guys really need to grow up. seriously.

after this amazing race with some nice racing between everyone, the last thing you should be doing is argueing , insulting and reporting useless crap.

sad really

Actually, I'm not arguing anything. I am perturbed that you don't see what he said as wrong. Jake certainly agreed. As did all the others whose posts were deleted. I'll let the admins do their job rather than comment any further.
Well, in the middle of this shitstorm (end of this shitstorm?) i got to put in a few words, i rarely write anything on here simply beacuse i think its to much bs/flame/personal attacks wherever you watch.

But i got to say thanks to NDR, my teammates and everyone else that took part in this race. Since it was my first 24 hour event i really didnt know what to excpect and i took the evening/night stints to hopefully keep away from major fights, i believe i handled the lappings pretty good (please let me know in pm or here if u got any complaints) i had a close one with an i believe IXION car? but it went well anyway : )

well thank you all for this one. And hopefully i will take part in another 24 hours some day
I still wish to take part in a 24h race one day.. in a capacity more than a brief interview :P
Quote from CSF :If we are all doing this protesting my feelings thing, can I ask for Mustangman759 and the other guy he was arguing with for no reason to be banned for 10 years too?


I think we both were pretty exhausted and handled it completely wrong, although I think I realized that a bit quicker than the other person. But for me its in the past and I can brush it off. I can't speak for the other person (who I assume was James (not that I care anymore) judging that there was 2 other vires in the channel.)
Please stop battling.. =)
Well i dont give a single shit about that whole rage and arguing, im just going to write what i think about race overall First of all big thanks to NDR for the organization of this event. I really love 24h races and even when i driven with a team that had very low chances to win it was quite enjoyable, even if i treat simracing so seriously... The start of the race was very... Chaotic for this kind of long racing standards. But even with my terrible starts i have managed to be still on top5 and later in stint going after Mathias Everything i tried to overtake him on the very end of 1st hour never worked, its simply impossible to pass XRR with this kind of driver... But after pits, as we all know, everything changed to my side... Which was nice XD Unfortunately after like... I dont really remember, 40mins of my 2nd stint my LFS minimalized on 3rd sector and... I was screwed Had to pit and repair damages which dropped me to 11th place i think... And i spend rest of my 1st day of driving, trying to comeback And tbh i managed to do that... In one place i was as far as i remember 2nd but then on the last lap of my run i did massive fail on 130R <Bridge Corner> and we switched drivers and repair car once again. On the next day i woke up something around 6:50am and saw worst thing OF THE ALL... 8th place and 3 laps down and most important lost fastest lap... :| So when i get in car, i knew there was no chance to be even on top5 so i just went for fastest lap When the time came i even warmed the front tires before the lap on the 2nd last corner and just go for it and luckily i did it in FZR :P After that my teammates drove whole day leaving me with last 2 and a half hours of driving... They told me that i need to get back one lap down just driving fast... To catch SBP team. Which was impossible of course but, i had nothing to lose once again so i just went for it. I dont really know how much i took back but was good fun I finished 8th and thats it really... Congratulations to ineX Racing for fastest average and race win And to Felix Hillen for outstanding last straight pass and making the FZR being on the podium :P Really nice racing... <But i still prefer MoE >
Quote from phoenixIlooka :Please stop battling.. =)

Nevertheless, it was a great race. Thanks to the admins, the people involved with the stream and most importantly the racers! Grats to ineX and especially "ze germans" for ze epic finish! =)

Sven Kresmer, Felix Hillen and Marco Schnieders for Tera.Mindfactory

Marco you forgot to quote this ^^

I've never understood these flames after race and perhaps this is the reason why i never take part to conversations like this bullshit ( and many many other conversations too )

I just can only repeat this quote of my mate and hope to see you guys in the next 24h race !

Whiners, Whiners. get over yourselves, if kiddo decides to leave I guess we can call the race track a 'safer' place again.
Quote from simme181 :I believe i handled the lappings pretty good (please let me know in pm or here if u got any complaints)

I have a complain for you. You were terrible.

Back on topic. Really great race, I would like to join others thanking Deko and NDR for making this happen, was really fun to drive and follow the race off-track. I understood I do some annoying stuff during interviews (Now my team-mates call me horsesound). Won't join in the rage stuff here. See you in South City!
Quote from SCA-F1 :

I'm not irascible but when I saw those shameful idiots crash into Norbi and cost him around 50 seconds, I got extremely angry even though it wasn't my team and it's just a game afterall. To add insult to injury I heard they were causing trouble to many others as always, yet they had the nerve to file SEVEN protests (whilst not addressing their own driving standards), including filing a protest against someone "joining a server too quickly after a timeout" - personally I think that deserves a 12 month ban alone for sheer audacity and arrogance. Am I really out-of-touch to think that? They're always making these kind of pathetic protests and wasting admins time.

Normally i won´t take part here but after race i just looked around who protested and who got protests and it was a little surprise that nearly more of the half of all protests were from or against LLM...
There were ofc many things wich aren´t protested. I won´t be personal against any member of LLM but it is most of the races like this. May you shouldn´t protest all and everything....

I just know it from Cityliga. We´re now in our 17th season of it and if i count all protests against eachother i will count less then you made in the last 2 GT World Series(GT2 and GT1).And yeah we not jsut have 6 races. Our seasons are like 9-12 races. also had a season with 15 races. That not only for LLM. It is something for everyone. may we all should look at our driving behavior.
I really can´t understand every race why there so much protests....

just my 2cents.

Also won´t tkae part in future posts here but you all should rethink yu acting.-.

When I started league racing in LFS, I joined LFS France championship. There protest happen quite rarely. When someone does a mistake, he recognize it and say sorry, I have just failed. And in general that's all, no protest, no flame war and everyone enjoy coming back for next round.

Driving behaviour is quite good there, people aren't blocking or diving like idiots but still some accident occurs as we are all humain being.
LLM filed 7 protests out of 18 and they were protested 2 times (even if some of them were legitimate.. but protesting TRR for that disco is the dirtiest protest I've ever seen). It just makes me thinking, what the hell are they still doing here, when clearly most people don't want to see them racing here? No, it's not just me, I noticed that reading the stream chat, IRC and the forums here. Not to talk about the previous races. Also, I met them on the track as well, so I know why others think what they think.
Quote from SCA-F1 :
I'm not irascible but when I saw those shameful idiots crash into Norbi and cost him around 50 seconds, I got extremely angry even though it wasn't my team and it's just a game afterall. To add insult to injury I heard they were causing trouble to many others as always, yet they had the nerve to file SEVEN protests (whilst not addressing their own driving standards), including filing a protest against someone "joining a server too quickly after a timeout" - personally I think that deserves a 12 month ban alone for sheer audacity and arrogance. Am I really out-of-touch to think that? They're always making these kind of pathetic protests and wasting admins time.

I totally agree with it. They're annoying.

I just noticed SBP putting "NO BMX" logos on their skins and I'm sure some other teams will join as well. So clearly it shows "something", expressing their thoughts that way is a good idea and I really hope it leads somewhere.

I'm not saying they should be banned, but it would be great if they realized that they better get their stuff together and behave. I'm out.
You have to think about risk vs reward when you protest. If you make yourself look like a twat, then you're gonna end up getting protests from other people that might not normally happen because it won't affect their race if they do. In a 24hour race, a DT that costs you 18s or so? Over the 627 laps we completed, an 18s dt adds up to being a massive .02 per lap. From what I can see is that LLM is nowhere near the car ahead of them, so it's not really their job to be interested in the incident with TRR timing out, for example.

Enough on that, race report time.

Well, for my first stint I wasn't prepared at all. We had a specific driver who was supposed to be backup at all times, and I wasn't it. However, when Matti entered his pitbox, about 30-40s later I heard some plinging in ts, I checked and Matti was telling his wheel was broken and we had to join. I joined ASAP with everything still running. Luckily his DT he handed to me was a good opportunity to close everything, I then got on with my charge through the field. Considering the circumstances it was a great stint. In my 2nd stint it was similarly lacking in preparation, as we decided when the SC came to pit, repair damage and take Mikko who uses a laptop and would struggle for FPS out of the car, and put me in it. I then came across my best buddy Niki, and it involved a very familiar contact - which just annoyed me for the rest of that stint because that was exactly what I had to avoid, luckily it turned out to be pretty much my only major mistake all race as our DT for tyre hitting was definitely a team effort . Anyway, that meant I was going to have to repair the car, but as I was already coming out of heatpeak - that stint could continue fairly reasonably, setting another fastest lap with some good end stint pace once I cleared Niki which probably would have put us into the lead of the race if it wasn't for the damage repair. That was about it for my racing other cars in that race, the rest of my stints were just about building the gap for my team, keeping the car clean and from my own personal point of view getting my tracker average into the 14s, which I failed by .01. Had a few laggy moments, some due to other cars and some due to my 3rd world internet provider, which scared the sh*t out of me. Anyway it was great fun, theres just something special about these 24hour races that make it fun, even when things are going bad. Thanks to my team mates which always make these events fun, or if you're Matti try to make the race a lot more interesting by breaking your wheel.

Thanks to the admins and everyone involved for continuing these events, and keeping this part of the community alive.
It's a 24 hour race. Incidents happen. However I never even had an incident with other cars myself, besides the two which I protested. The only issue which I raised was the fact that Simon for no reason made a post that no one should tolerate.

I have stayed out of most of the drama, seems the only person who has said anything about me is Simon and all you band wagoners. And, there isn't one protest against my car when I was driving.

We have worked very hard to become a better team. It is hard to be 100% consistent over 24 hours. We had a run in with a couple of teams, maybe they resulted to misunderstandings, maybe not. But SBP, grow up. I saw the incident between Norbi, and yeah it was Matt's fault. But it's a driver mistake/ not thinking.

Mind you, I am not sure what the protest for the 06 was for.
even tho this was appealed against, i still had a laugh when this outcome.

Quote :MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident 8 hrs 8 mins
Lap and Location of Incident: our 209- 211
Your Car Number:57
Other Car(s) Involved:07 (06 as possible victim)
Brief Description of Incident:
07 is slow: and aggressively drives blocks and runs us off course. multiple displays of bad and unsafe driving

"Car 07 has one slight bump with Car 55 at Turn 16 on Lap 211, Car 57 comes back to stay alongside, but shortcuts the course to gain the position. Warning to 07 for Avoidable Contact, DT to Car 57 for advancing position while cutting the course."

getting a penalty for a protest they made on me.
Quote from Franky.S :even tho this was appealed against, i still had a laugh when this outcome.

"Car 07 has one slight bump with Car 55 at Turn 16 on Lap 211, Car 57 comes back to stay alongside, but shortcuts the course to gain the position. Warning to 07 for Avoidable Contact, DT to Car 57 for advancing position while cutting the course."

getting a penalty for a protest they made on me.

Car 57 penalty reduced to warning. The off-track force was 07 not leaving enough room at turn 18, not the initial contact at turn 16.
@Ray im sitting with sprained foot at the moment so i didnt race, but i will come back when im felling for it again.

and really karl.. just dont give a **** about what Jake is saying, stay in the game and have fun.
About what Simon said after the race, it usually happens under frustration, ofc it was a heavy comment, and having in mind it was said for sensible souls in the other side of Atlantic Ocean, it wasn't very tactical.

About protests - how many positions you hope to gain? Filling more than 1/3rd of all protests is above my understanding tbh.

E: On topic, grats to ineX and podium finishers, also a handshake to Teramindfactory for the thriller 'till the end.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Car 57 penalty reduced to warning. The off-track force was 07 not leaving enough room at turn 18, not the initial contact at turn 16.

you still got a warning out of ur own protest. it shouldnt work like that.
#149 - CSF
Quote from Bmxtwins :Session of Incident: Race
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident: ~ 12 hours 41
Lap and Location of Incident: boothy chicane lap 328, 331
Your Car Number: #69
Other Car(s) Involved: #
Brief Description of Incident: Excessive cutting

just 2 I saw, sure there were others

Quote from CSF ::cookiemon:static::sppalpati:dopey:

All I see is you trying to take the piss out of me because you have nothing better to do. And you have nothing on track to pick on me for, so now you resort to this pettiness.