Take more than 10 people.
Now you can choose one of two moves (S)afe or (R)isky - ie. put €1 coin on table to the budget and cover it with hand, with heads for (R) and tails for (S).
(R) with Risky you will take back your €1 if majority took Safe. Otherwise you leave it in the budget
(S) with Safe you will always get: 100 cents * number of Risky players / number of players
You can write down payoff and take it after tour of iterations from budget.
You will ask why you get not more than €1? Didnt I mention... budget
In fact budget should be sufficient with 50c put on table and payoffs as described.
You'd notice, but only outside. In this picture it's giving the impression a house will become infested with flies and spiders because frogs protect us from attack.
In reality these flies only live for like 1 week probably less and there will probably just be a cycle of 3 noticeable flies in your home and any one time (if you're weird enough to just leave them free roaming in your house).