The online racing simulator

Quote from Dennis93 :That moment when your winter car is more awesome than your summer car.

A old Civic is better then a Mustang? Ok
Quote from tbofram :A old Civic is better then a Mustang? Ok

Read the sentence again and compare it to the picture order.
I've been following your build thread for the roof on the VX220 forum, really nice work! Did everything go as planned more or less?
erm, pretty much yea. still need to put a 3rd and final catch at the bottom of the coupe to stop it lifting and so i can lock it.
Diffuser with road ride height
Quote from BlueFlame :Diffuser with road ride height

yes mate.. road height as to get over speed bumps and out of my drive.. i have this wonderful device on my car called an adjustable shock where i can alter the ride height of the car making it lower (for track) and higher (for MOT) and then like it is now for just normal road driving.

you know, you trying to be smart isn't doing you any favours.
Well why not lower it for images so it doesn't look shit.

It's uncool to howl on another mans ride but here's how it is :

For the power that you have, a diffuser is only going to slow your acceleration. I can't understand why you'd want a diffuser anyway since this VX220 designed by Lotus built in Lotus factory should be already perfectly balanced.

So no, I am not the stupid one.
Just need some cheap coilovers now!

Quote from BlueFlame :Well why not lower it for images so it doesn't look shit.

It's uncool to howl on another mans ride but here's how it is :

For the power that you have, a diffuser is only going to slow your acceleration. I can't understand why you'd want a diffuser anyway since this VX220 designed by Lotus built in Lotus factory should be already perfectly balanced.

So no, I am not the stupid one.

the diffuser will not slow my acceleration down, why would it? the extra weight?. since lotus didn't build the car to this specification id say that anything they did would be out of the window now in terms of aerodynamics..

the cars profiles have been put through cad programs and they have worked out they do actually do something, granted there should be more veins (down parts) but generally as long as the edge veins are there they will work.

and anyway.. if diffusers did nothing why is there one here on this one?

aesthetics? quite possibly..
Interior cleaning time.

Quote from -NightFly- :Read the sentence again and compare it to the picture order.

I honestly don't know what you mean! I'm guessing the Mustang is the Summer car and the Civic is for the winter.

Or am I missing something?
dont worry dennis was trying to force a hilarious misunderstanding about something everyone else understood perfectly.
Quote from R3DMAN :the diffuser will not slow my acceleration down, why would it? the extra weight?.

Drag. You'd need probably twice the hp/torque figures you currently have for that diffuser to be anywhere NEAR effective.

Every car from the factory has been designed to have minimal lift on any of the surfaces top and bottom and has a power plant to match those figures (normally).

To insert any aero part realistically and practically you need to match the numbers. If you don't then you only care about looks and not about performance. You're creating more drag there than anything else.

Downforce effectively IS drag but at high speed it forces the car down and depending on how 'draggy' it is depends on how fast the car needs travel for it to be working effectively.

You're not doing more than 80 in the corners so you really don't need this kind of equipment.
Bit weird to criticise the diffuser for creating drag when he has a huge GT wing bolted on the back

Suitable diffusers are actually very efficient. I've seen VXs with the GT box type before, although only on track.
I collect it Saturday! very happy!

Quote from BlueFlame :Drag. You'd need probably twice the hp/torque figures you currently have for that diffuser to be anywhere NEAR effective.

Every car from the factory has been designed to have minimal lift on any of the surfaces top and bottom and has a power plant to match those figures (normally).

To insert any aero part realistically and practically you need to match the numbers. If you don't then you only care about looks and not about performance. You're creating more drag there than anything else.

Downforce effectively IS drag but at high speed it forces the car down and depending on how 'draggy' it is depends on how fast the car needs travel for it to be working effectively.

You're not doing more than 80 in the corners so you really don't need this kind of equipment.

Marquees design cars to generate lift at speed as this saves fuel. Very few cars have downforce out of the box. The clue if your car has lift or downforce from the factory is drive really fast in a straight line. If your steering goes light and floaty, you've got lift. They also rarely "balance" a car. One factor always comes into play, budget. They can only spend so much time on areo. Low drag high lift are the order of the day to save fuel and be green. Adding a splitter will quickly make a car very oversteery as the lift over the front wheels is neutered.
Quote from doyal :I collect it Saturday! very happy!

Who are you and what have they done to you? pls
Quote from BlueFlame :Drag. You'd need probably twice the hp/torque figures you currently have for that diffuser to be anywhere NEAR effective.

You're not doing more than 80 in the corners so you really don't need this kind of equipment.

The diffuser together with a undertray works such that air get accelerated under the car thus creating a low pressure area of clean undisturbed air.
No need for alot of HP or crazy corner speeds to get underbody aero working, example a mx5 running a class over here called modsport runs a basicly stock engine and a aero pack and is out running GT2 spec cars on twisty tracks

the car has more than twice the standard power and torque over standard and this car is capable of having very fast performance figures (0-60mph in sub 4 secs, 0-100mph in sub 9 secs, 1/4 mile in sub 11.5 secs, 170mph top speed) this isn't a car that is all standard underneath and i have just bolted some parts to.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Who are you and what have they done to you? pls

You'll be proud once I've got the bmw up and running
need some help guys in he UK ! So im in london with my car with hungarian plate,i know i can only drive 6 months here. What would i need to do to have a uk plate on my car and most importantly how much insurance i would have to pay? i went online for a qoute where i didnt get some of the things(like claims n stuff) and i got qouted around 5-7 K annual which would be ridicoulus.i also changed the car to an m3 and a supra and they were over 13K.. Could you do me a qoute for lets say my car '97 320i please?
Quote from e2mustang :need some help guys in he UK ! So im in london with my car with hungarian plate,i know i can only drive 6 months here. What would i need to do to have a uk plate on my car and most importantly how much insurance i would have to pay? i went online for a qoute where i didnt get some of the things(like claims n stuff) and i got qouted around 5-7 K annual which would be ridicoulus.i also changed the car to an m3 and a supra and they were over 13K.. Could you do me a qoute for lets say my car '97 320i please?

Look on the dvla website that will tell you what to do about changing your reg to a uk one, link : ... ering-an-imported-vehicle.

Insurance, it really can be expensive here, it really depends on your age, how long you've been driving, any accidents or other insurance claims, high/low crime rate areas ... etc. Using my details to insure your car is around £500/year.
Quote from GAVD999 :Look on the dvla website that will tell you what to do about changing your reg to a uk one, link : ... ering-an-imported-vehicle.

Insurance, it really can be expensive here, it really depends on your age, how long you've been driving, any accidents or other insurance claims, high/low crime rate areas ... etc. Using my details to insure your car is around £500/year.

wow ! great,thanks ! i dont know than why am i getting so high qoutes btw im 28 and been driving for almost 12 years with no problems. ill look at the link also

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