Servers keep banning me.
(13 posts, started )
Servers keep banning me.
I just got the demo. The first 2 servers I've played both banned me promptly.

I'm a clean driver with a list of racing sims on my computer. I am liking what I see about the game. The physics are better than 99 percent of sims out there. But I don't want to pay the money for something that I won't be able to play due to some mysterious hatred for me.
Believe it or not, it happens. Demo servers will ban you for winning, or they will ban you for nothing at all. Just have to try a different server. S1 and S2 servers are not like that, we try to keep a good reputation.

Sorry there's no better answer.
Do you mean the following:
- You join the server, instant ban.

- You race on a server, and for no particular reason you get banned?
The [AA] and the MRc demo servers are usually decent as far as demo servers go, give them a try.
What has been said above.
If you get into LFS and meet likeminded people, I promise you there's no stop having fun. From a personal view, some servers are bad some are good (and some are even ugly ). It's just a matter of making friends with a favourite group of people/server and off you go. In the end you might be part of a private server where you can trust everyone to have a great time together.
Welcome here and good luck!
#6 - m4ccy
The experience of demo is far different to that of s2, dont be put off by what you see in demo.

Yes they ban for fun
Yes they ban for no reason
Yes they ban because of what country you come from or language you speak.

This is far less likely to happen in s2.

Most s2 hosts are run by decent individuals and you would not be banned unless you really stepped out of line and did not heed to warnings.

Though the same cannot be said for all s2 hosts

Most s2 hosts value attendance in their servers no matter what country they come from.
not all demo servers are like that i can guarantee. first thing that i would say to do is check for server rules usually can be done by typing !rules and/or press shift+i then look for a tab saying rules

and just let it be known that you are a new racer and if your still getting to grips with controlling the car it may be best to hold back for a few races while you get used to it and dont be afraid of asking for help(while some may ignore you,someone will probably help) and finally if you do cause a crash then saying a quick sorry can help show that no bad intentions, limads and admins sometimes need to make quick decisions if the server is busy and sometimes mistakes are made

speaking from experience
#8 - Litro
Tweaked nad modded cars? Very much seen that OOS Car or something in demo...
I see. Thanks for the tips. I'm not the fastest driver but if I can't handle my vehicle I'm far sooner to slow down and let people pass than hog the road or run them off.

Other than this bad experience I have to say I'm loving the sim. Everything about it is what I've been looking for save perhaps the mildly confusing menus. This ought to be a good use of tax money.
Don't forget to pull over for the faster drivers
Attached images
damn you need to use the higher res
I have my usual hi res malarkey on a different partition
Looks more like the lack of AF?

Servers keep banning me.
(13 posts, started )