The online racing simulator
Private Message
Hey all,

I know that is possible to make a private message by the command !pm and the username and your message but I thought about that it would be easier to have something like that what I mention now with windows. You know its very boring to always put the !pm then find the player's username (sometimes is so vired) then your message. It's all takes time. So I made a small scheme what I'm talking about. So its possible to make ? Somebody could make this ?

Your faithfully [MD]SarXes
Attached images
I am totally back into coding Lapper for the last week or so (so expect a load of updated and some new scripts from me very soon) and this is very easy to build.
But instead of asking other people to build things for you constantly, you should try to build it your self.
It's a good way to get to grips with coding in Lapper.
Quote from sarxes :Hey all,

I know that is possible to make a private message by the command !pm and the username and your message but I thought about that it would be easier to have something like that what I mention now with windows. You know its very boring to always put the !pm then find the player's username (sometimes is so vired) then your message. It's all takes time. So I made a small scheme what I'm talking about. So its possible to make ? Somebody could make this ?

Your faithfully [MD]SarXes

Well Sarxes,
i gave you the dev version of my lapper. ( currently running on our Testserver)

Look in the next file:
IDLapX V1.4.04dev\bin\default\includes\HelpMenu\[TI]HelpUserinfo.LPR

and see/understand what i did there.
Thank You for both of you. I take a look and I try to figure out. If I fail I post it soon !

Your sincerelly [MD]SarXes
I tried to figure out I understand the some of the code but I cant understand the whole ... :/ So if sbody has a little free time pls help me. Thank You
Quote from sarxes :I tried to figure out I understand the some of the code but I cant understand the whole ... :/ So if sbody has a little free time pls help me. Thank You

Since I am in a good mood today, I wrote the script for you.
This is how it currently looks like.
Do you think this would be to your liking?
Attached images
Yeah it's great ! Send me via PM if you want !
(Yisc[NL]) DELETED by Yisc[NL] : Wrong file uploaded
Quote from sarxes :Yeah it's great ! Send me via PM if you want !

Good, you need to add this to your addonsused.lpr:

include( "./private_messages.lpr");

Make sure you set the correct path to the private_messages.lpr file.
I've included the script in this posting as well.
Rename the file to "private_messages.lpr" and put it in the right location.
Just to make sure, this script is written for and tested in Lapper
Attached files
private_messages.txt - 4.8 KB - 266 views
Thank You very much for the script.

(Yisc[NL]) DELETED by Yisc[NL] : Error in attached script
After a request from sarxes, I modified the script in such way that the message is send directly after composing it.
So there no longer is a need to press an extra button to send the message.
I've also added a confirmation message to the sender.
Enjoy version 1.01
Attached files
private_messages.txt - 5 KB - 297 views
Quote from Yisc[NL] :After a request from sarxes, I modified the script in such way that the message is send directly after composing it.
So there no longer is a need to press an extra button to send the message.
I've also added a confirmation message to the sender.
Enjoy version 1.01
