LFSstats: What excactly is lap time stability?
I have been wondering what "Lap time stability" means in the statistics. It is obviously something to tell how reliable a driver could get good lap times but how excactly is it calculated?
thanks for reply.
yes i figured it was something like that. Just what excactly I am still not sure. (like are laps with pit stops not counted etc)
I guess only way to reliably get the used formulas is to look at source code of stats program.
As far as I know, LFSStats uses all the laps including those pitstops are made. I think the outlap is not considered as this is obviously very slow.
This is also the way I'm doing it. The problem with pitstop-laps is simply that 2 laps will be affected, so actually you would need to skip both of them ...

The lower the stability number - more stable one's lap times are. Only racers who completed more than 2 laps are present in stability table. First lap time is excluded from calculation. I use the following deviation formula to calculate stability. Example of calculation for one player: stability = sqrt(sumN((AverageLapTime - LapTimeN)^2) / (N - 1)) where: N - number of laps; AverageLapTime - Player's average lap time; LapTimeN - Player's time of Nth lap;

Take a look here : http://cybex.b0rk.de/lfs/Stats/readme.txt
Shouldn't stability be something like average difference between successive laps? Just a wild thought...
Standard deviation (the method that is used here) is a measure of the amount of "throw" your lap times have from your average lap time. It's a decent way of showing how stable or unstable a driver's lap's are.