LFSCART Series 2013 Round 1: Protests and Penalties
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 1: Free Practice, Qualifying, Race)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day)
Car(s) involved
Location of Incident (Use our named corners / course sectors in the track map)
Brief Description of Incident

Protests are due by 09:00 UTC on Monday, 6 May 2013
Session of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 1: Free Practice, Qualifying, Race):race
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day): 1 hour 16 minutes
Car(s) involved: 21 and 23
Location of Incident (Use our named corners / course sectors in the track map): Just after turn 2 in the straight away
Brief Description of Incident: After already changing lines 6 billion times causing another car to slam into him and spin him AGAIN...
Dohnalik is on the left side of the track leaving the ENTIRE right side open, he then puts it in reverse and slams the gas down taking the 21 off. This was a rather unintelligent thing to do and a similar rejoin earned niki dakovic a 6 month exclusion.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Session of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 1: Free Practice, Qualifying, Race):race
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day): 1 hour 16 minutes
Car(s) involved: 21 and 23
Location of Incident (Use our named corners / course sectors in the track map): Just after turn 2 in the straight away
Brief Description of Incident: After already changing lines 6 billion times causing another car to slam into him and spin him AGAIN...
Dohnalik is on the left side of the track leaving the ENTIRE right side open, he then puts it in reverse and slams the gas down taking the 21 off. This was a rather unintelligent thing to do and a similar rejoin earned niki dakovic a 6 month exclusion.

Car 23 - 2 Lap Penalty, unsafe rejoin from an incident.
Protestor Ray Kingsbury - Warning for editorializing and unsporting comments in protest description

Note, this penalty is lighter than the one assessed to N I K I in GT1WS because the referenced driver had already had other penalties in the season and recent past, and that violation was very egregious, whereas this protested incident was not so egregious and was not as blatant as the referenced penalty incident was.

Other Items:

Car 60 - 5 point penalty - Unauthorised spectating from on-course. Next offence of this sort during the 2013 LFSCART Series for Car 60 will result in a 10-point penalty.
Car 46 - 5 point penalty - Unauthorised spectating from on-course. Next offence of this sort during the 2013 LFSCART Series for Car 46 will result in a 10-point penalty.
Car 14 - 5 point penalty - Unauthorised spectating from on-course. Next offence of this sort during the 2013 LFSCART Series for Car 14 will result in a 10-point penalty.

No violations of compulsory pitstop rule.
This thread is closed