LFS_External to InSimDotNet
Hello (Again me :nod I got my cruise with Lfs_External library and I was wondering how can I change this to InSimDotNet? I need this because LFS_External isnt updating since a long time. I already done this part which is wrote here https://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=68564 I have those all dll and other InSimDotNet files in my cruise folder installed. I tried to disable in my insim this part
using LFS_External;
using LFS_External.InSim;

and replaced that with
using InSimDotNet;
using InSimDotNet.Packets;

But then I got a lot of errors. How is this possible to udpate it properly? Actually all I need is the new packets which are released since 0.6B version. Maybe I dont need to replace all librar and I can just add it to take packets from InSimDotNet? Help me please

Hi Jobans:

The 2 libraries will not have a compatible API, thus you cannot just simply switch your using statements to tell C# to use the other library.

It should be a rather large undertaking to port an application from LFS External to InSim.Net. You will need to rewrite all parts of the application that use any LFS External calls, and likely refactor certain parts where the libraries function differently.

I also wouldn't suggest using BOTH libraries at once either. It may be easier in the short term becuase LFS_External doesn't support the same functionality (being a defunct project), but I guarantee that it will cause issues in the future due to incompatibilities.
Too lazy to rewrite all parts There is no other way to get new packets to LFS_External?
Unlikely unless the developer of LFS External releases the source code, and there's an interested party willing to extend LFS External.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Unlikely unless the developer of LFS External releases the source code, and there's an interested party willing to extend LFS External.

The open source of LFS_External is public ...
I didn't think it was, as there was someone (Dark<something>) who had to reverse compile the LFSExternal stuff to be able to make some fix.
Quote from ADr3nAl1n :The open source of LFS_External is public ...

Unfortunately it's not. What's public is just a reverse-engineered source which is very difficult to read and modify...
Quote from MadCatX :Unfortunately it's not. What's public is just a reverse-engineered source which is very difficult to read and modify...

and it has more bugs then the original DLL lol