The online racing simulator
(1 post, closed, started )
#1 - Scoop
1 - Participants

Only teams will be allowed to race. Teams must consist of 2-3 racers. Teams can substitute team members. Out of all the teams that sign-up we will chose those who will race

Applications can be sent as a reply to this thread: or be sent to [email protected] or at [email protected] specificly writing it's for LFS GT. Applications must consist of the drivers the teams are planning to employ, the team name and the racing history of the drivers.

The organizers can ask the teams or single drivers for proof of their racing capabilities before inviting a team. If a driver proves during the race that he is not clean or that too many rules are broken in 1 race the driver can be asked to leave the series.

Each team may enter only 1 car per class
GT1 class is reserved for MoE contenders, MoE drivers can race in GT2 tho, if GT1 grid is not full by race weekend an MoE team can be asked to join the race to fill out the grid.
As the league admin i reserver the right to refuse certain drivers/teams if i feal they are not suited for the league.

2 - Racing Modus

There are 2 qualafing rounds all in race weekend, all qualifying sesions will start at 21:00 cet (summer time when applicable)
Friday: 1h
Saturday: 1h
The best time set by a team will count
There's no need for both drivers to do the qual if u don't want to
But if u do decided that both driver should try a qual run only 1 driver at a time, if there are 2 driver from the same team on track at the same time theire times will not be taken into account

The racing will be timed, 3hour races. Race start at 16:00. All times CET (summertime when applicable).


3 - Scoring

In order to be scored, a team must cross the line after the full time has expired and the leader has been waved off.

If a team is disconnected from the server, they may rejoin and start racing again. Their number of completed laps will be recorded by the organizers and they will be added up in the end and scored accordingly.

If a team is stranded on the track due to running out of fuel, an accident or other reasons, they will have to go to pits and restart the stint

Points will be given as follows:
Pos. 1: 15
Pos. 2: 13
Pos. 3: 12
Pos. 4: 11
Pos. 5: 10
Pos. 6: 9
Pos. 7: 8
Pos. 8: 7
Pos. 9: 6
Pos. 10:5
Pos. 11:4
Pos. 12:3
Pos. 13:2
Pos. 14:1

4 - Skins

All teams must have their own, individual racing livery. The racing livery must be fitted with the team's assigned number on the sides, hood and rear bumper. The real names (no nicknames) of the team's drivers must be listed on the car in a readable place; the names must be accompanied by a flag of the nationalities of all drivers.

5 - Starting Procedure

Start is run in double file formation by a flying lap. A pace car will lead the field during the formation lap at a decent speed. Drivers are to run single file until the last sector, when the pace car slows its speed to allow drivers to catch up and line up in the double file formation. When the pace car pulls into the pits, the leader continues at 80km/h. A race marshall will give the green flag signal upon which the race is on. Passing must not be done before the green flag is given.

6 - Penalties
Penalties will be given during the race in form of a drive through or stop and go penalty. Teams must appeal to the organizers immediately upon which the race marshals will analyse the situation and rule a verdict.
If the accident happens in the last 30 minutes of the race, instead of a stop and go or drive through penalty, the penalty will be 45s or 30s added to the overall race time of the team in doubt.
For chating a drivethrough penalty will be isued imediatly only exeptions are the people that anounce that they have to give a "join" message to theire team mate if they don't have any form of verbal comunication.

Appeals filed later than one hour after the stint of the driver who is the victim of the accident will not be accepted.

Appeals must include a replay of the scene. Appeals without a replay will not be accepted.

The admins can rule upon an accident without an appeal being filed.

8 - Number of drivers for a team during a race
During a race, 2 or 3 drivers must race for a team. No driver may drive less than 45min of the race. If a driver drives less then 45 min the team will be disqualified.

9 - Driver Swaps
Driver swaps can be timed freely. However, a driver may only join the server when the car he wants to swap into is on it's pit in lap. The driver leaving the car must leave the server immediately.

10 - Miscellaneous
No excessive honking. If excessive honking is used, a drive through penalty will be assessed by the race marshals.

Driver names must start with the team number.
Example: 01 - Alex Barbu

Shift+S is allowed if u are stuck in sand, out of fuel.
If u have extensive damage, but still try to make it back to the pits a full corse yellow will be isued safety car will come on track and the race will go at 50% race speed until the damaged car is repaired and back on the track.
This thread is closed

(1 post, closed, started )