The online racing simulator
LFS State - local InSim mod
(101 posts, started )
Sorry, but how do i configure it?

Edit: OK, i'm finding it out. I just forgot I had to type in-game...

There's a typo:
HLVC default mode should be "standard" and not "standart".
Quote from Ripley :HLVC default mode should be "standard" and not "standart".

thanx, fixed
Really cool Version - Great work!!!

Updated german language file attached

There is a little bug or a limitation of InSim:
If I wanna change the uname inside the main menu, I get every time "InSim: invalid text entry". In the Single or Multi Player menu it works.

An other question (sorry )
Is it possible to display "Last lap" bigger in the upper but center screen Position; like the "car left/car right" message. The message is very helpfully but with many others messages I don't see it or some cars around me I can't watch to the message history because I must look at the other cars.
Attached files - 1.2 KB - 257 views
Quote from Pasci :
If I wanna change the uname inside the main menu, I get every time "InSim: invalid text entry"

is the specificity of LFS, none of the input field does not work in the main menu, like WR%, spotter width etc.

Quote from Pasci :
An other question

I now have this problem...

Frames drop to 1-digit and LFS is unplayable. Then this error pops up...
In my file "LFS\script\autoxec.lfs" I have the line "insim=29999"

It was in fact workin 30 minutes ago. Now it doesn't.
Quote from Ripley :
Frames drop to 1-digit and LFS is unplayable. Then this error pops up...
In my auoxec.lfs I have "insim=29999"

I do not fully understand this
program is disabled when a window is minimized? what is "auoxec.lfs"?

At what point is there is an error and what you do before?
Sorry it was my typo this time ;-)

I meant of course the file in LFS\script folder named autoexec.lfs
I had to enable a line "insim=29999" in that file to make LFSState work.

When I posted the first image in post #51, I configured it, and it ran well.
I was alone on a track so many functions were "useless", but the splitter was working fine.

Then I joined a server with AIRIO (I think) and it stopped working...

Now it doesn't work anymore, even if i am alone on a server created by me.
The first symptom is the framerates go veeeerrry slow, audio interrupts...then that fatal insim error message appears, LFSState crashes, and LFS is playable again.

I will retry later on.
Quote from Ripley :
I meant of course the file in LFS\script folder named autoexec.lfs
I had to enable a line "insim=29999" in that file to make LFSState work.

wow. At all, LFS State should itself switch to the window LFS and write in chat "/insim 29999" and only then try to connect. That is, you do not need to enter yourself, or use autoexec.lfs.

p.s. some function (diffline, relative) not work in open track (track with name ...X or ...Y) and track with custom splits, because of their work requires nodes. Open track do not contain nodes, but I'm going to fix that in the future using bind to the coordinates instead of nodes.
I made another couple of tries with your latest 0.9.8.

First, I removed the line "insim=29999" from autoexec.lfs file, as you said;

LFS does like this: the opening screen (main menu page) keeps on saying

"Ripley: .insim 29999"
"Ripley: .insim 29999"
"Ripley: .insim 29999"
"Ripley: .insim 29999"

and it has a very strange behaviour in LFS, it prevents me from clicking in the game, or I can click randomly. It is as if somebody is clicking (or typing) instead of me.
I guess LFSStats sends some characters to the buffer.



Second, I reenabled the line "insim=29999" in autoexec.lfs file;
Everything works.



After some time (maybe 10 minutes) LFS starts lagging very badly and I have to kill LFSStats, but maybe this could be a problem on my side.

Yes! It works (I disabled the "insim 29999" line in the autoexec of course).

I have a request (if possible).
I was trying to automatically launch LFSState from LFS, so I wrote in my autoexec.lfs:

/exec E:\games\LFS_State\LFSState.exe

LFSState starts but with this error message:

"E:\games\LFS" is where my LFS is installed.

(The first italian text string means: "Path access denied")

So I tried adding the folder where I have LFSState, as a parameter:

/exec E:\games\LFS_State\LFSState.exe E:\games\LFS_State

Nothing changed. Same error message.

Is this something you can do?
Or am I making a syntax mistake somewhere?

Edit: anyway, I still have serious framerate issues (generally after some laps. At the start of a race/practice session it is fine) and I have to kill LFSState, which results in this error:

After killing it, frames are high again.
Quote from Ripley :...

I've had some issues with /exec.. Try to make an shortcut and run shortcut instead, it solved problems for me..
Quote from Lexanom :aaaaand I almost did it: automatically getting uname. not tested


thank u, repeat

Fast updates

I don't know if it works - I can't see which uname now is active. Will be nice if you could print the current/detected uname in the console and/or in LFS.

Since you have merged the cfg and data file it works also on Windows 8 (by a friend). The very strange behavor before was, that after starting lfs state, we can't find the "cfg" file (of course the view of all file types was active); but language and other changes was saved.
Quote from Denny12 :I've had some issues with /exec.. Try to make an shortcut and run shortcut instead, it solved problems for me..

Yes, of course I already have a shortcut to it.
I just wanted to launch one thing instead of two (and I also wanted to experiment something more "technical").
I've never used the autoexec, so I can not help you . Possibly someone else can?
I tried to do as you said and got the same error access denied on the path to the file.

I drive with LS 20 laps and framerate did not drops. I need more information to know where to look for the cause...

I am experiencing serious problems with the translation ...
All settings are now stored in a data file, and transfer the file to another computer, the settings are saved.

write UNAME to console do not make much sense, just go online and take a ride, if everything works - uname received correctly.
Another clue to what's happening (with relation to LFSState automatic start) is that with this line enabled

exec E:\games\LFS_State\LFSState.exe

a new "lang" folder is created into LFS folder.
The "Path access denied" error could be because "E:\games\LFS\data" already exists in default LFS install.

I don't know how you handle the relative paths inside your program...but it could be an easy fix (being a programmer...).

Maybe your program assumes to find all its files and folders in the same path where the exe is, but you have not coded it.
It just takes it by default, because it's how DOS works.
exactly, I has not considered that.
however, now I sometimes get other problems, such as startup of the autoexec LS can not manually enter a port in the chat. In this case it is necessary to add the line /insim 29999 in eutoexec as you did before.
Quote from Lexanom :
I am experiencing serious problems with the translation ...
All settings are now stored in a data file, and transfer the file to another computer, the settings are saved.

write UNAME to console do not make much sense, just go online and take a ride, if everything works - uname received correctly.

Ok, then it works.

>I am experiencing serious problems with the translation ...
What do you want me to say? With my translation or in general?

- fixed autotyping "/insim xxxxx", should work without problems now if LFS in window mode
- fixed players changer (!users)
- fixed some bugs
- new window "Standings", shows the best lap time of 10 (customizable) fastest players on the server. Displayed for 10 seconds when crossing the finish line. Always displayed if you spectated. Does not save the results, when you restart the program time will be lost. Cleared when restart.

I have not found the reason because of which sharply reduces frame rate
Quote from Lexanom :

I have not found the reason because of which sharply reduces frame rate

That leader board is sharply reducing frame rate?
its ok for me
Quote from Dygear :That leader board is sharply reducing frame rate?

no, i'm about this:
Quote from Ripley :I still have serious framerate issues (generally after some laps. At the start of a race/practice session it is fine) and I have to kill LFSState

LFS State - local InSim mod
(101 posts, started )