It's all about immersion, people
I only turn off "Acceleration shifts viewpoint" when I'm in a car where my crash helmet is bolted to the rollcage.
I only set the FOV any higher than 68 if I want to drive from the backseat, or lower than 68 if I want to drive from the bonnet. That's for this size of monitor, as close to my eyes as I can get it.
I have the wheel and arms turned on so that I see them and can thus forget my real wheel and arms which, relative to my screen, would be at a ludicrous distance from the dashboard.
I have a monsterous sub-woofer that I butt my pedals up to for the vibrations and I crank up the volume as loud as I can get away with depending on the rest of the household - headphones if they're asleep. Echo volume turned right up too, just 'cause it's awesome when you buzz a walled apex.
FFB at 50%. I'd have it higher if I had the strength to race like that for as long as I get to race in a given session.
I have a couple of guilty pleasures for all my settings snobbery - a little wheel turn compensation that I'm working on reducing and virtual mirrors/onion radar panel which is more for the sake of you lot than me