The online racing simulator
LFS Setup Organizer
(5 posts, started )
LFS Setup Organizer

Have you ever worried about the mess with the setups, all setups in the same folder. To select another setup you have to scroll down through all setups for this car. Wouldn't it be nicer to only see eg. WE setups while racing on Westhill and only see AS setups while racing on Aston?
I have written an application, that does exactly this, it filters the available setups depending on the selected track. You can decide if it filters just by the track (AS, FE, SO....) or with even more resolution by every single track configuration (AS1, AS2, AS1R, FE1...).
As usual I have written a small tutorial and added to the download package.

Have fun,


Attached files - 148.4 KB - 415 views
Any chance of adding in car class too?

For example I use the naming system as follows for all sets:

Car(class) Track Name(version)

FZ2 WE1r Ray2
XR1 KY2 JordanQ

You stole my idea

My idea was to have two separate setup databases, like standard setups folder and other one with subfolders for each track/mode (AS1,AS2,Cruise,Drag,...) which syncronizes with real setups folder. You can anytime access all setups by disabling application, or for example if server is in cruise mode it will only load Cruise setups, AU3/AU4 will load Drag setups and so on. However I still don't know which setups to show if for example BL2Y track is running, maybe let user choose When you choose some track it will not physicly move setups (tried that in begining but was awfully slow), it will change path to your setup folder (specific track subfolder) and if some changes are done it will update it to default setups folder. In order to nicely sort setups some track prefixes are needed, like "AS4_setup" otherwise setups will end in "Other" subfolder. How ever there is still basicly none user interface to actually control all stuff

Tried you app and when I press CTRL-F5 in pits nothing happens, neither I noticed some new subfolders. Maybe Im bit too much my program minded, so don't understand other stuff.
Ye, it didn't create any subfolders for me either.
ok, here is a checklist:

1. Did the "Hello LFS, I am your Setup Organizer" message appeared in the LFS chat? If not, then the tool is not connected to LFS at all. Check insim port in the config file and in LFS.

2. From the readme.txt file: "If there is a track folder missing, then select that track in LFS and select any different track afterwards." Explanation: LFS Setup Organizer only creates folders, if you are changing the track in LFS.

3. Maybe LFS Setup Organizer does not detect the path to LFS properly. Do you already have tried to use the option Path2LFS in the SetupOrganizer.cfg file?


LFS Setup Organizer
(5 posts, started )