The online racing simulator
#1 - OpaJo
Best times possible with default setups?
Hello LFS Community!

There are enough possibilities to download good setups for all cars and tracks. And also the world record times for all combinations are available.

But: What lap times are possible when driving with the default setups? Is there a ladder or something (especially for blackwood standard + xf gti) I would like to know, what time you can drive without alter the standard setups. So I can see whether I have to improve my driving or my setup tuning.

Are there servers where only default setups (or one setup for all drivers) are allowed? That would nice to compare driving skill (and not tuning skill).

I've often wonderd this myself, would be nice to have a series where everyone is equal in terms of machine, with driving skill deciding the outcome of a race not who has the best setup
I know some of the skill in obtaining a fast lap/race is in the car setup, but it would be very interesting to have a server option whereby the RACE_S setup had to be used.

One for the future maybe ?
(if it's not already possible and i'm talking out my posterior)
Best lap times with the default sets are best measued with a calendar, rather than a stop watch.
Quote from OpaJo :What lap times are possible when driving with the default setups?

The only true comparison would be to sweet talk someone like Biggie, or Biohazard (or any other alien) into trying Race-S sets, and see how close to their WR's they get. (best of luck with that one )
If anyone can get the max out of default setups, it's these guy's.

Welcome to LFS btw
calling me an alien? illepall
anyway, i´ve got holidays, which combination do you want me to do?
Quote from Biohazard :calling me an alien? illepall

How many WR's you got ? ..... 39 ?

I've raced you a few time's Bio, and it just aint possible for any normal human being to drive that fast !

So, if you're not an alien, then alien's simply dont exist, or, we'll have to think of another word for all you unfeasibly quick guy's.

(that was a compliment btw )
aliens do exist :P
but i would not claim i am one
there are enough drivers i don´t have got a chance against...
but it seems like these ones don´t read this thread, so i agree to do some laps with the RACE_S set
Lol, you're just being modest

I think the original poster OpaJo, was just asking a general question about how competative he could be with default setup's, and how much slower they are compared to other people's personal setup's.

So i dont think he had any particular car/combo in mind, but, unless he reply's, we may never know !

Actually, why dont you just pick your favourite car/combo, and have a go with Race-S, and see how close to your Pb you get, i'd be interested to see this too
hm, will try fox on sprint 1 rev.
should be interesting
I would advise against using cars with downforce to compare default to circuit tuned setups, since wing angles are so important. Better to use any non-downforce vehicle.
well... okay.
so... i don´t know. just choose something (short :P )
Tsk Trust Bob

erm You any good in LX's

just pick your favourite LX/Track

as an example i'm 1.4 sec's slower than WR at Aston Club with LX4/Race-S (it's the only set i have with that car, can't handle the set's from Inferno)
and 2.4 sec's slower at So Town
if its any help i was lapping so classic yesterday in fox and didnt realise my son had changed it to default setup for first 5 laps, best time with it was mid 45s which is about 3 secs slower than my pb
Hey. Tell me which car and tracks is required and I'll do some laps Will start on Friday when I can access my race computer.
all of them

it would be interesting to see what the demo cars can do on blackwood, who knows a demo racer might (probably ?) be the fastest
Hi There, Mazz4200 is right, i ask this question in general and wondered whether there is also a list with default-setups wr's. But most interessting i am in the most driven combination (i tinkk): blackwood + xf gti + race_s Yesterday i drove 10 hours or so and could make my time down from 1:38x to 1:36:40 (with a downlaoaded setup). But compared with the others this is furthermore really slow :-) I bet you can beat me with race_s :-) OpaJo
Thankyou tinvek, I was in a session at South City Classic the other night and was busting a gut to stay somewhere within the fortyfive second lap. Four or five lads were consistently lapping at 42/43.
Now you tell me that mid 45s with default is all you're capable of. Great.
I'm doing the best I can with default and you are doing the same.
I agree too, that a table of stats where "default" is the limitation would be a better guide to driving talent/skill.
I suppose there's no way that the devs can build this limitation into the WRs that we see listed and go green with envy over.......??
hah, easy server - i was stuck on one last week with three people lapping consistent 41s.
I drove the GTI in Hotlap mode 10 laps or so and I did a 1:36,76. Can't get faster with the Race_s.

South City Short 43.18 with the fox. Will drive again cos I don't have replays so I should add them to let you see I'm not cheating.

Edit: My replay, hotlapping mode with Fox in South City standard. Setup was race_s.
Attached files
south city race_s fox.spr - 94.1 KB - 294 views
I've been racing the demo for ages so on default setup I think I've had a low 36 on blackwood. At the weekend we were racing in the mid 36s for a decent race distance. I'm pretty sure a 35 i posible but I cant get the braking into the right hander after the long straight right when using the mouse and I lose about .2 - .3 in that sector alone. Racing with the wheel is left to the other cars as they are more fun but to keep a level playing feild for our LAN group, everyone races the demo and uses a mouse so I haven't had much time using a wheel on the XFGT.
I'm using the DEMO version at the moment and i've been playing arround yesterday with all the settings of the XF GTI on the Blackwood track. RACE_S setting is probably the best and i can NOT get any faster than 1:38:76

I don't know what i am doing wrong. I'm sure it's a matter of practise makes perfect.

It is SO tempting to buy the S2 licence but i don't have the money at the's $AU60
Hello everybody

This is my first post here, so let me introduce in short

I´m enjoying this unbelievable sim for 1 year now, are 45 years old, have forgotten most other games to play on a computer, left my girl ( wasn´t it 1year ago? ), host a demoserver "Domagk45", have built a "cdedix" = a dediserver that boots from cd and finally i prefer racing with, not against other racers

Ah, my english might be even poorer than my purse...i will improve that (by chatting in lfs...)

So into the topic:

What a coincidence: 3 days ago i decided to improve my line and not the set, so i took race_S, reduced tyre pressure to ~190 (original 260 i guess) and began to practice with it.

My PB in bl1 with XRT: 12351 with my own set, and 12398 with race_S

Best times between splits over all 3 days:
1st: 2791, 2nd: 3080, 3rd: 2510 and i still made lots of these damn little mistakes...

This set really rox !!!

If u like, check: I drive the race_S with the nick "Mister L."
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
race_s sets r cool.
almost all of my setups (not my hotlap sets) are based on race_s cuz they r already pretty good.
usually i gain with a better set only bout 1-2 secs (on the short tracks).
so i think if u have alot driving exp. u dont "need" a good set to be fast.
Welcome Spikee.

Yeah I'm racing with modified race_s setups. The first thing I try is to get all tyres green for optimum grip and honestly it works most of the time. I had an absolutely thrilling fight at Aston North with someone who made his own setup but I could keep him behind me.

Was really interesting to see the reactions when I told the peeps that I was using race_s modified. It's very important for me to get all tyres green by changing the camber and then to change the pressure. Sometimes the pressure has toi be changed.

The only thing I'm not really yet into are the gear ratios. Can't cope with them right now but I'm learning. The LfS book from 4Players might be a better book if they would have written more about the setup options.

What do u usually change first? Just curious.