The online racing simulator
V: USB Load Cell Interface BU0836-LC + 2 Hall Sensors

Load cell amplifier with USB joystick interface. Based on popular BU0836. Plug-n-Play USB - fully supported by Windows and Mac OS X.
  • 1 load cell input
    • 10 bit resolution (1000+ steps)
    • Sensitivity (full scale output) - 10mV
    • Load cell powered from USB bus
  • 7 analog inputs - 10 bit resolution each
  • 32 buttons
  • 8-way ‘point-of-view’ hat switch
  • PCB size - 2.1"×1.7" (54×43mm)
  • Fully self-contained interface
  • Native support by Windows XP/2000/Me and Mac OS X
  • Serial number makes OS to remember each device
  • Powered from USB bus
  • Full-speed 12Mb USB connection
  • 250 position reports per second
  • Custom modifications
    • Two independent load cell channels
    • Bidirectional force meausrement (force-sensitive joystick, etc.)
    • Higher/lower gain
How to use
  • Works with any load cell
  • Buttons and switches connected in 6x6 scan matrix
    • ..with diodes if there will be 3+ depressed simultaneously
    • diodes if buttons used only momentarily
    • First 32 buttons are standard joystick buttons
    • Last 4 buttons make a point-of-view hat (coolie) switch
  • No drivers or support software needed. Just plug it in
  • Use in any game that needs joystick - FS2004, X-Plane, racing, etc
  • Calibration curves and deadzones can be tweaked with DIView
Construction tips
  • How to connect load cell?
    • Excitation voltage (load cell's IN) to +5v and Gnd terminals
    • Load cell output to -IN and +IN terminals
    • If load cell cable is shielded, connect the shield to Gnd
    • Example of load cell instructions and connected wires
  • What to do with unused inputs?
    • Unconnected buttons will appear as not pressed
    • Unused analog inputs are automatically disabled. They will reappear when connected and controller is restarted.
  • Which pots are the best?
    • Any value from 1kOhm to 100kOhm will work but the optimum is around 10kOms. Higher value pots pick up more noise, lower value - draw more current from USB bus
    • Not only the pot itself but wiring is important too. Use shielded wires, if possible. If the pot has metal case, connect it to Gnd as well
    • Use linear pots (taper B.) Avoid non-linear, log pots with tapers A, D or Y used in volume level controls
    • Try to use pot's travel range as fully as possible
  • Some basic knowledge of electronics from your side will help a lot!

Für alle Bastler unter euch verkaufe ich folgendes Produkt:

Meine Auktion: ... wItem&item=9732639750

In Kurzform: das Teil ist ein USB Interface speziell für Eingabegeräte für Simulationsspiele.

Folgende Anschlussmöglichkeiten sind gegeben:
[*] 1 Wägezelle (load cell)
[*] 7 analoge Eingänge mit einer Auflösung von 10 Bit!
[*] Eine Matrix für 32 Buttons
[*] 8-Weg Coolie-Hat

Von der Größe her ist es ca. so groß wie eine Zündholzschachtel und funktioniert mit den Standard-Treibern von Windows - Ergo ist keine händische Implementierung von irgendwelchen Treibern nötig.

Ein vergleichbares Produkt wie zum Beispiel das Plasma Lite kostet in etwa 250 Euro.

Zudem könnt ihr von mir noch zusätzlich 2 Hallsensoren haben.

Ich hatte es ursprünglich angekauft, da ich geplant hatte mir selbst ein Pedalset zusammenzubauen - scheitert aber so wies aussieht am Zeitmangel..

Bei Fragen bitte an [email protected] mailen!
Thanks for taking the time to post this bberger.
I've been looking for something that would do all this for ages.

Has anyone had any experience with a module like this ?

If anyone is looking for example load cell / pressure sensors, this site has some good examples ....

Nice one Niels

My missus is gonna kill me when she finds out what i'm going to HAVE to buy
#5 - bal00
Did you end the auction early?
Estoy usando esta interfaz, pero el juego LFS no me la reconoce.. alguna ayuda para poder usar mi pedalera ?