The online racing simulator
Announcement concerning the Future of GenR Events
We all know that the last couple of months have been a very difficult period for the league racing side of the Live for Speed community. Some of the highest-ranked leagues of the past years have struggled to attract drivers and some organisers had to cancel leagues and some even whole series as a consequence of those things. It was no different for us. We haven't been professionally organising leagues for too long, but seeing what happened to our championships also left an impression on us, an impression that made us think about our attitude to league racing.

We have realised that right now we have a strong team-based championship for GT cars, being GT World Series, a championship that has shown very strongly in its first race. It wasn't ever the intention of this series to be "competition" for it, but we now feel that one of each kind is enough for the needs the league racing side of LFS has these days. That means that the GenR GT Open series will not go ahead as planned, instead the championship will be postponed until further notice.

Genuine Racing does at this moment not plan to run any team-based series in LFS in future. We will enter a small organisational break until January 2014 where we plan to bring back one of our established leagues with its traditional format. We also hope that the drivers that have supported us throughout the last 18 months will continue to do so in future!

- Genuine Racing
Hope to see you back soon!
GenR events for me always were well organized. In my opinion, very professional organizing. Too bad that in some GenR leagues, activity for some reason dropped instantly. I hope GenR gets well soon. See you soon I really enjoyed GTM, even though I didn't participate in all rounds..
THX for the kinds words Mouse!

No worry, GenR is alive and cancelling those two scheduled series we mean to acknowledge that at this moment in time there is not enough league drivers to allow running multiple series with the same categories of cars, we believe it is better for lfs that we avoid competing between league organisations, so it would be pretty stupid from us to compete with well established leagues and take the risk of having all of them fail. We are racers before we are organisers, so we're going to spend our energy on the preparation of upcoming GTWS races. Also, due to the general mood in lfs, many have lost motivations in our team too, so we have started to test alternatives to lfs and that takes some time too. We don't give up on lfs just yet, but now that I see the devs spending precious time on that 3D ''no one'' is interested in, I've started to lose hope that we'll see the necessary changes any time soon (hope I am wrong, but I can't take the risk any more since that could jeopardise the survival of the team).

See you on the track!