So, my MS Precision Steering wheel arrived today! All excited, I hooked up the wheel to the computer via the USB port, watched the popup message from windows saying the wheel is installed and I'm all ready to go!
I go to lfs controls and spend about 45 minutes trying to setup the wheel with various forms of success. At one point, I *think* I got the accelerator and the brake working. But I cannot, in any way, get the steering itself to work. I've tried all possibilities and options, but, basically, after a calibration, the wheel is perfectly centered, but after I move it just slightly, it starts jumping around madly. After a few seconds it settles, but the deadzone just jumps around from ten o'clock to two o'clock.
Wondering if any other games would do that, I loaded up NFS Hot Pursuit 2 and voila! Absolutely no problems, and even the brakes and the gas pedals work perfectly fine(and are not detected as a single axis as in LFS).
So, this is obviously no a wheel problem, but an inside LFS problem. I would appreciate any help and advice.
truly frustrated
I go to lfs controls and spend about 45 minutes trying to setup the wheel with various forms of success. At one point, I *think* I got the accelerator and the brake working. But I cannot, in any way, get the steering itself to work. I've tried all possibilities and options, but, basically, after a calibration, the wheel is perfectly centered, but after I move it just slightly, it starts jumping around madly. After a few seconds it settles, but the deadzone just jumps around from ten o'clock to two o'clock.
Wondering if any other games would do that, I loaded up NFS Hot Pursuit 2 and voila! Absolutely no problems, and even the brakes and the gas pedals work perfectly fine(and are not detected as a single axis as in LFS).
So, this is obviously no a wheel problem, but an inside LFS problem. I would appreciate any help and advice.
truly frustrated