You could make your own easily enough...
Open a lfslapper.lpr file and search for
Event On
Delete all lines of code between the Event and the EndEvent.
For instance, the following
Event OnNotMatchFlags( $userName ) # Player event
privMsg(langEngine( "%{main_nomatchflag}%" ) );
privMsg(langEngine( "%{main_yourflag}%" , GetCurrentPlayerVar("PlayerFlags") ) );
privMsg(langEngine( "%{main_yourflag}%" , getLapperVar( "RequiredFlags" ) ) );
privMsg(langEngine( "%{main_spectated}%" ) );
cmdLFS("/spec " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );
would be altered to
Event OnNotMatchFlags( $userName ) # Player event
In other words, keep the specific Event (first line) and EndEvent (last line).
Do this for all the Events within the file.
Except - because you want drift score to work, I would say that the code between
Event OnMSO( $userName, $text ) # Player event
is the only code you should leave in - else !drf (to get top drift score list) will not work.
Once you've culled the code in the events out of the lfslapper.lpr file, find and open the addonused.lpr file.
Look for the line
#include( "./driftmeter.lpr");
and change to read
include( "./driftmeter.lpr");
This is to get the drift scoreboard working.
However, there may be other things within the addonused.lpr file that work that you don't want - put a hash symbol (#) in front of the line. For instance, if you don't want the winner flags to appear at the end of a race, then
include( "./winnerflags.lpr");
would be changed to
#include( "./winnerflags.lpr");
Do not alter the lines
include ("./cif/cif.lpr");
include ("./cif/info_tops.lpr");
else the !top command will not work.