The online racing simulator
Lapper & ISRM cause lag?
hello people how they are doing, I tell them I have a
server with 11 players drag in total and Lfslapper
ISRM and it may be that the ISRM and lfslapper
cause considerable lag?.
I Connection 3mb download
and 0.50mb upload

I have no experience with ISRM and Lapper running along side, but do have experience with full servers (32 cars) and Lapper and that certainly isn't causing any lag.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I have no experience with ISRM and Lapper running along side, but do have experience with full servers (32 cars) and Lapper and that certainly isn't causing any lag.

In this case it could cause lag. By the looks of it, he's hosting his server from home on a poor connection. Lapper could add more strain on the already strained connection to cause it to be even worse.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :In this case it could cause lag. By the looks of it, he's hosting his server from home on a poor connection. Lapper could add more strain on the already strained connection to cause it to be even worse.

Yeah, that could explain it.
I'm hosting my server at an provider on 100% dedicated to me server
Always nice to have connections in the right places