So shall we take a recent example of the people in a region voting for independence that the west did fully approve of, and apply the same logic.
The Assembly of Kosovo, then a province of Serbia under transitional UN administration (UNMIK), approved a declaration of independence on 17 February 2008.[1] Kosovo was soon recognized as a Sovereign state by the United States, Turkey, Albania, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and others.[2] This triggered an international debate over whether Kosovo's independence has set a precedent that could apply to other separatist movements or is a special case.[3] The recognition of Kosovo's independence by 108 out of 193 UN states, according to many sources, has given fresh impetus to other separatist movements.[4]
There is an estimation that a group of between 70 and 200 nations and organizations use the Kosovo precedent to achieve their goals.[5] Abkhazia and South Ossetia renewed their calls for the recognition of their sovereignty. Kosovo's independence also led to increased tensions in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where the Republika Srpska vetoed recognising Kosovo, and threatened to declare independence themselves.[6] The Republic of Crimea proclaimed its independence from Ukraine on 11 March 2014, citing the Kosovo precedent.
Sergei Mironov, the chairman of Russia's upper house of parliament said in December 2007, "In case of the unilateral recognition of the independence of Kosovo, Russia will be entitled to change its approach to the so-called unrecognised republics in the post-soviet regions - South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Pridnestrovie." He went on to say "In case of such a recognition of Kosovo, Russia will be able to say that it is free in its approach, including towards the so-called unrecognised republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Pridnestrovie [Transnistria]."[24]
And yes, the moneys in the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, that's what the IMF and the olegarchs want to get their hands on, America wants Russia out of the area as their fleet is there. Freedom and Liberty are fine as long as it doesn't interfere with the bankers aims.
Who own's the western media ?
Who owns the US govt ?
And, this is a good analysis of Kosovo independence, and what led to it by Noam Chomsky.
And, given the western support for Kosovo independence, lets see how it's going there and why the west may have supported it.
The report charged that former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) boss and current Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi, “is the head of a ‘mafia-like’ Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe,” The Guardian disclosed.
According to a draft resolution unanimously approved December 16 in Paris, the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights found compelling evidence of forced disappearances, organ trafficking, corruption and collusion between criminal gangs and “political circles” in Kosovo who just happen to be close regional allies of the United States.
Reporting for the BBC , investigative journalist Michael Montgomery learned that political opponents of the KLA and Serb prisoners of war “simply vanished without a trace” into a secret prison “in the Albanian border town of Kukes.” ... -eu-nato-drug-trail/22486
And this is even more telling.
Two years ago a joke was being circulated on the Runet that a heroin producer has recognized its distributor’s independence. It was about Afghanistan, which was to the first to recognize the independence of the Serbian province of Kosovo which had illegally separated from Yugoslavia.
Kosovo has since become a transit point for drugs, channelled from Asia to Europe.
According to the Canadian detective Stewart Kellock, the Albanian drug mafia operates with the connivance of the United States. Mr. Kellock said in an interview that US diplomats prevent the detention in Kosovo of notorious drug traffickers.
Officially, the Americans are working hard to stamp out heroin production in Afghanistan, but in reality they, namely the CIA, are using the proceeds from the drug trade, including the illegal drug traffic to Kosovo from Afghanistan which is facilitated mainly via the Bondsteel Base, to replenish their secret coffers, All this means that, with the help of Western patrons, Kosovo has been turned into a breeding ground for all kinds of drug dealers and other criminals. Or, as Alexis Troud from the Paris-based International Academy of Geopolitics famously said, “A criminal zone run by the Albanian mafia”… ... sits-through-kosovo/19581
And opium production in Afghanistan, under US control, is up how much ?

2001 was under the Taliban, one possible reason for the 2001 invasion ?
The United States refused to n ... with the United Kingdom.
That is the point I'm making, and that is why the US refuses to accept Kosovo as being a valid precedent when it comes to the Crimea.